
Picture Metadata Toolkit (PMT) version 1.0.3g released

The Picture Metadata Toolkit (PMT) provides a common Object Oriented API to metadata associated with (or stored in) a digital image file. PMT also allows metadata to be read / written in XML, metadata definitions are expressed through XML Schema. This version of PMT has significant upgrades in its documentation.

A re-written PmtUserGuide.pdf file is available in the distribution. Please start with this document. All documentation is available in the "doc" directory of the PMT distribution.

PMT is available for download at:

Also, some very important new documentation is available in this release. Particularly, the files PmtMetadataKeysForExif.pdf and PmtMetadataKeysForTiff.pdf discuss the metadata keys used in PMT, from the Exif or TIFF perspective. They are very helpful and a must-read.

PMT supports MacIntosh OS X. Mac OS 9 is no longer supported in the downloadable version.

This version also has many bugfixes, compared to version 1.0.3c. The ReleaseNote.txt file in the distribution discusses only the changes since release 1.0.3f, which was a version of PMT that's available by checking out PMT with the -r release-1_0_3f tag in CVS. (Version 1.0.3f is not available for downloading.)

Following is a list of all the bugs that have been fixed since version 1.0.3c. Please consult the list of bugs for PMT on SourceForge - the exact URL is listed in ReleaseNote.txt. Be sure to select "Closed" for the status too see the fixed bugs.

459258 - GPS associated keys not working
459265 - Miscellaneous Keys Not Working
479156 - change
479202 - FilmGenCode not perisisting in XML
611273 - SHORT or LONG Types
633308 - Key Fixes from Documentation Findings
633310 - Throw Error On TIFF Open
633312 - .NET Build Change (Please note: PMT is being prepared for .NET builds. It is not supported with the .NET compiler yet.)
633315 - Factory Fix for MacIntosh Build

Posted by Daniel Rupe 2002-11-20

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