
Korean Character

  • sarisa

    sarisa - 2007-08-29

    This is the right plug-in what I want. But I have some probme with my language, Korean.

    When I type the tag in Korean, uploading process is not working. I can uplode pictures withouth any problem if I type in English. I see the only message "Uploding.....".

    • Gael Chardon

      Gael Chardon - 2007-08-29

      Is it working if you try to upload it without any tags ?

      When it fails, could you take a look at the "java console" to see if there is any prob ?

      I will try to reproduce this with one of my Korean friend.



    • kuyemi

      kuyemi - 2007-09-23

      I would like to add that this appears to be the problem with any non-latin1 characters. I tried to upload a bunch of pictures with Russian descriptions and it failed with the "Error: 96: Invalid Signature" message

      I then removed the descriptions and the photos loaded perfectly.

      Would it be possible to at least simply replace all the non-latin1 characters with underscores so we could use the upload and then reenter the descriptions? At least while you're trying to figure out the correct solution.

      Thanks, and thank you for the great tool

      • Gael Chardon

        Gael Chardon - 2007-09-29

        OK .. I have to find some time to work on the unicode part (in the applet *and* in the cgi part).



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