
#5 Schedule profile problems in v2.0 beta 3


While it will allow me to modify the default scheduling profile and update it, it still applies to all events/spaces - the Active yes/no property is completely ignored, and all profiles other than the default are ignored also. Took me a while to figure out what was going on. With Limit Times to Schedule property set to No it still actually limits all the times as specified! I had to go through basically trying to set them all to allow maximum times as for 24/7 facility limits like this aren't helpful :)

Anyways love your project, feel free to add me as a developer if you want me to help with fixes etc.


  • Kevin Hatch

    Kevin Hatch - 2010-04-07

    I'm pretty sure that's a result of the fork from our internal source. It's working fine on the local install, but I had to strip out a number of hard-coded references to try to get this out and available to the public. A good bit of cleanup remains to get those sewn up. I'll see if I can get that tested out in the next few days.

    And thanks for the offer to help develop on this. I'm definitely interested in having PEM opened to a team of devs for more growth, but I want to get the foundation cleaned up with a real, stable release first.

  • Kevin Hatch

    Kevin Hatch - 2010-04-09
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Kevin Hatch

    Kevin Hatch - 2010-04-09
    • status: open-fixed --> open
  • Kevin Hatch

    Kevin Hatch - 2010-04-09

    False alarm on the last comment (removed) here. I had both of the trackers open and submitted my reply to the wrong tab. :/

  • Kevin Hatch

    Kevin Hatch - 2010-04-14

    I'm looking into this issue today, will hopefully have an answer shortly.

  • Kevin Hatch

    Kevin Hatch - 2010-04-14
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Kevin Hatch

    Kevin Hatch - 2010-04-14

    Ok the main scheduling profile under Backend is the global. Setting scheduling specifics under a given space/room will make adjustments to the global with that space is selected during event addition, but the global is the basis for scheduling boundary checks. As it stands right now, the default profile is "the" profile. While you can add other profiles, they are not currently set to override anymore (that part will be added back in at a later date). But the time limit activation across all days and the blackout activation for single days are both checked properly again. So if you don't want any limits, just turn off the Limit Times to Schedule option and that check is ignored. I agree that manually setting every day for max times is excessive; certainly not intended. I've tested the schedule changes with multiple basic installs and it seems good now. If you have any other problems with this, please let me know.

    The changes are already posted to the SVN repository, and I'll have an updated app package posted probably tomorrow.

  • Kevin Hatch

    Kevin Hatch - 2010-06-03
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed

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