
How do display SF icons on every page in wiki

  • Rishabh Manocha

    Rishabh Manocha - 2004-10-16

    Hey guys,
    I was wondering how I could dispay the sourceforge icons on a phpwiki powered site. I wanted to insert these icons so that statistics could be accumulated for my site.
    I tried inserting the code at the end of index.php but that did not work out.
    Any other way to do this??

    • Reini Urban

      Reini Urban - 2004-10-16

      in the template:

      themes/default/templates/body.tmpl for example.

      • Rishabh Manocha

        Rishabh Manocha - 2004-10-16

        I am using the Mac OS X theme. In the directory structure in themes/MacOSX/ there is no directory called templates. All there are are some .css files in there.
        I looked over them but due to my very limited CSS skills, I couldt figure out how to include the icons I wanted to(as in where I should place them in the code).
        could you let me know??
        Thanks a lot.

        • Rishabh Manocha

          Rishabh Manocha - 2004-10-16

          I think I have got it.
          I had to add the HTML at the end of bottom.tmpl..right after is said Add you Disclaimer here.
          Thanks a lot for phpiki.

          • Reini Urban

            Reini Urban - 2004-10-17

            Thank for you for this idea!
            I've added to our online wiki's at also.


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