
Integration with CVS for Backup & Rev. Ctrl?

  • Keith R. Bennett

    I'd like to use cvs to archive my wiki data files. Ideally:

    1) When a user created a new page, phpwiki would do a cvs add.
    2) When a user saved a non-minor change, phpwiki would do a cvs commit.
    3) When the administrator removed a file, phpwiki would do a cvs remove.

    It sounds like there is something out there that can do this, but is experimental. Is this true? What is the current state of this software? Where can I find out more about it?

    As a next best option, I'd like to do an automated nightly commit of the files to cvs. The adds and commits above are doable. I can just do a cvs add of everything, and only the new files will be added. Then a cvs commit can be done for the whole directory tree. However, the remove would be a problem. There would be no easy way to notify cvs that a file was removed, right?

    I could certainly write something in a scripting language like Ruby to compare the contents of the phpwiki data directory with the cvs repository, but I'd have to be really, really careful that it did exactly the right thing in all cases -- a mistake could be serious.

    Do you have any advice about how to approach this?


    • Reini Urban

      Reini Urban - 2005-12-14

      I'd like to hear if it works when you try it out.

      It used to work some years ago, but it's not on my testmatrix of regularly tested db backends.
      (see tests/unit/test.php)
      It's very slow though.

    • Keith R. Bennett

      Reini -

      Thanks for responding. The wiki I am working on now is headed to being a critical part of my organization's information infrastructure, so I don't think it would be a good idea for me to use the cvs back end, since it's a bit experimental.

      However, in the future, if I work on something less critical, I'll seriously consider trying it out.

      Thanks for all the work you've put into this project. You've got an excellent product, and I appreciate the generosity of you and the others on the PHPWiki team. If you're ever in the Washington, DC area, feel free to get in touch with me.

      • Keith

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