
phpwiki-1.2.2 wont do anything at all

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2004-08-31

    well, of course its my fault because i accidentially dropped the hitcount table of the wiki, but now i dont know what to do to rapair it. i already created an new, empty hitcount table, but that doesn't work. i just get an empty page and not a singel error :-/. i also tried to recreate the hitcount table with all the pagenames and som random "hits" values, but that doesn't work either... can someone give me a clever advice? or tip where i the problem could be found?

    greets japro

    • Reini Urban

      Reini Urban - 2004-09-28

      oops, that's looks hard.

      sorry, I have no time now for that. after the release maybe.


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