
#543 With Fedora Core 5, phpwiki 1.3.12p2 ignores PATH_INFO

Alain Knaff

With Fedora Core 5, phpwiki 1.3.12p2 ignores both
PATH_INFO and pagename.
This makes it impossible to browse any wikipage
except the front page.

N.B. I do have AcceptPathInfo on for the wiki
directory in my Apache config (and also once again
globally, for good measure)

Moreover the if (@is_dir(SCRIPT_FILENAME) or
realpath(SCRIPT_FILENAME) == realpath(FILE
)) in index.php does not seem to work, I had to
uncomment that line, or otherwise I would get an
empty page, even for the homepage.


  • Alain Knaff

    Alain Knaff - 2006-07-06

    Logged In: YES

    Adding the following two lines

        elseif (!empty($_SERVER))
            $vars = &$_SERVER;


    function get($key) {
        if (!empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']))
            $vars = &$GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS'];

    in lib/Request.php seems to fix the issue.

    Now I can navigate my wiki again, view Page History, etc.
    However, unfortunately Edit still doesn't work.

  • Alain Knaff

    Alain Knaff - 2006-07-06

    Logged In: YES

    Ok, so Editing can be fixed by disabling the EDIT_TOOLBAR
    in config.ini

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Ehm, sorry to mention it, but the hack doesn't fix a
    thing... problem is still present after modifying the
    Request.php file so can only view the HomePage.

    A fix would be nice :)

  • Alain Knaff

    Alain Knaff - 2006-07-07

    Logged In: YES

    In addition to the fix described, you need to put

    AcceptPathInfo on

    into your Apache configuration, in a place where it applies
    to the directory where your wiki is installed.

    The AcceptPathInfo instructs apache to export the relevant
    information, whereas the Request.php modification enables
    phpwiki to correctly import the info. Both changes are needed.

  • Reini Urban

    Reini Urban - 2006-07-23

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks for the observation.
    Strange register_long_arrays issue.
    Will be tested and fixed asap.

    The fix you mention should not be necessary.
    as $k) {
    if (!isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_'.$k.'_VARS']) and
    $GLOBALS['HTTP_'.$k.'_VARS'] =& $GLOBALS['_'.$k];
    sets all long vars.

  • umfan866

    umfan866 - 2006-08-18

    Logged In: YES

    I am having the same issue in Red Hat RHEL4
    using phpwiki-1.3.12p3

    Getting a blank page upon startup, which is
    fixed by commenting this line in index.php

    if (@is_dir(SCRIPT_FILENAME) or
    realpath(SCRIPT_FILENAME) == realpath(FILE
    )) in index.php

    Even once I do that, all my links and images
    are not working (still troubleshooting).

    I get a blank page

  • Reini Urban

    Reini Urban - 2006-12-03

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I'll have a redhat machine next week and will test it there.


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