
#457 Several Crao theme rendering problems under IE


I've attached a screen cap of with
IE 6.0 on Win2K. 1.3.11rc3. There are numberous page
layout issues, including:

  1. Topbar too tall. I believe this is is a template
    css issue where a pixel size is hard-coded. I fixed
    this on my 1.3.10 install too so I need to diff them.

Ignore the ugliness of the logo in the topbar, that's
because it's a transparent png and IE doesn't support
that without a hack I still nedd to add.

  1. Fonts are kind of ugly. In particular the larger
    headings are very blocky. I suspect this is due to the
    font selection, maybe a different one under IE would be

  2. navbar extends too far too the right. In fact it
    always goes off the screen.

  3. preferences/admin/search on right of navbar are
    stacked vertically. Should be horizontal. I was told
    on mailing list this is due to a 150px width limitation
    on that table. That limitation was to keep the navbar
    from being too wide. Unfortunately as you can see in
    my setup it diesn't fix that and it makes those items
    stack unattractively.

  4. There's no icon for 'Page Dump' in bottom toolbar.
    This only occurs in IE. Under firefox or safari, there
    is an icon for that. I realize there aren't icons for
    PReferences, Chown, or SetAcl either, but that's not an
    IE problem, the icons just haven't been created.

  5. The bottom toolbar has several problems:

a. As you can see it is not on the bottom of the page.

b. What you can't see is it isn't a floating toolbar.
It is a floating toolbar on all browsers except IE.
That isn't a show stopper, but it does make the page
look a lot different under IE vs. other browsers. If
it itsn't going to be a floating toolbar, it should at
least be stuck properly to the bottom of the page.

  1. Width of bottom toolbar does not adjust. It's
    always the same width, regardless of whether you are
    logged in or not. The number of icons changes
    depending on login status. Toolbar should scale to be
    jsut wide enough to hold the icons. This is the way it
    works on other browser.

Not a giant problem, but something that looks bad.

While I am not an IE user, we have to accept the fact
that it's still the dominant browser out there. Thus
phpwiki pages need to render the same under it as under
other browsers.


  • Philip J. Hollenback

    screencap showing rendering problems under IE

  • Marc-Etienne Vargenau

    Closing very all bugs.

  • Marc-Etienne Vargenau

    • status: open --> closed

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