
#23 Wiki table renaming breaks INSTALL instructions


With the addition of a table name prefix, the INSTALL files are now all incorrenct; they direct the user to simply run the SQL file via the database client to create the database.

Simple solution: set a default prefix, and change the table names to match. Warn the user in screaming letters in the config file that if they change the prefix they MUST change the schema file BEFORE creating the database, or they will not have a Wiki.


  • Steve Wainstead

    Steve Wainstead - 2001-02-15

    Well, OK, currently this is not a problem since the tables have not been renamed (it's on the task list). It's a dependency.

  • Geoffrey T. Dairiki

    In the short term, I think, "warn the user in bold caps" is the solution.

    In the longer term, it might be nice if the database backends had the
    ability to set up their schema on their own. It's probably not worth worrying
    about this until after it's been decided what to do about the database
    backends (multiple versions, API changed, etc...)

  • Sunset

    Sunset - 2004-01-01

    Logged In: YES

    The session table variable (around line 292) of index.php needs
    the addition of the table/file name prefix (if there is a prefix of
    // experimental
    'db_session_table' => 'phpwiki_session', //by default this is

    // prefix for filenames or table names
    * currently you MUST EDIT THE SQL file too (in the schemas/
    * directory because we aren't doing on the fly sql generation
    * during the installation.
    'prefix' => 'phpwiki_',

  • Sunset

    Sunset - 2004-01-01

    Logged In: YES

    sorry the formatting went funny on my last post... hope you get
    what I mean?


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