
#4 Desire change report header and variable shown in report


In the form that is shown after a search:

Search results for search_string
Businesses 1 - 6 of 6
# Summary Action

I would like to change the label "Summary" to "Name".
And, I
would like to change the variable from 'company_title' to
[lastname, ", ",firstname]

The search only seems to show the records that have been
assigned to a fatcat category. Uncategorized records do
not show
company_title, they are merely blank making it
impossible to
distinguish multiple records that match the search


  • Verdon Vaillancourt

    Logged In: YES

    > In the form that is shown after a search:
    > Search results for search_string
    > Businesses 1 - 6 of 6
    > # Summary Action
    > I would like to change the label "Summary" to "Name".
    This label is controlled by the search module and not my module. You
    could make changes there, but I believe it will be site and module wide.

    > And, I
    > would like to change the variable from 'company_title' to
    > [lastname, ", ",firstname]
    The variable being displayed there is actually 'label'. If you want to change
    what is stored in $var label, look around line 972 of /mod/
    phpwsbusinesses/class/Business.php and change it to what you want for
    a label (used by other mods) to represent each record. For instance, try...
    $label = $this->Contact_lastname . ', '. $this->Contact_firstname;

    Then to be thorough, use that example to change the label settings around
    line 1432 of the same file

    > The search only seems to show the records that have been
    > assigned to a fatcat category. Uncategorized records do
    > not show
    > company_title, they are merely blank making it
    > impossible to
    > distinguish multiple records that match the search
    > criteria.
    This isn't true... at least I can't reproduce it in any of my test installations.

    In general, this mod is meant for businesses and the focus is on company
    name as the primary identifier in many views. If you are trying to set
    something up more focused on the individual, and not the business, you
    might want to try the phpwscontacts mod. It was the inspiration and the
    starting point for this mod, and shares many features. However, there are
    some features in mine you won't find in the phpwscontacts mod.

    Good luck,

  • Verdon Vaillancourt

    • assigned_to: nobody --> verdonv
    • status: open --> closed-invalid
  • Tim

    Tim - 2005-11-15

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks for your quick response. I realized now that nothing
    was written in the 'label' field because the information was
    not saved there by clicking on SAVE from the module. I
    simply loaded the records into the phpwsbusinesses database
    without populating the 'label' field. After putting in the
    proper label information for each record, the SUMMARY report
    showed all the pertinent information.

    I found that the features in phpwsbusinesses are more akin
    to my needs in locating records quickly by inexperienced
    users of my site.

    Thanks for all your help.


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