
How do I install this?

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I am the webmaster of my university community. I can make websites but IRC seems to be beyond me. People in my community want to have an IRC channel. I've tried to setup a channel. Starting a channel easy as hell but the bot-thing is so unbelievably difficult that I'm nearly ready to give up.

    I have tried to find an operator bot which is easy to install but I just cant figure these bots out. I'm now speaking about all of them. They seem to never have a manual which is ment to someone who doesn't know anything about unix or doesn't know some strange coding like "$irc->setDebug(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_ALL);".

    That strange gibberish just doesn't say anything to people who don't know about coding.

    There are huge gaps in the given information and people who don't know coding fall into those gaps and die.

    SmartIrc is one example of many bot-systems. There are files, ok. I have them. There are information, ok. I have it. But the given information doesn't for example tell where I should upload these files and which files I should upload. If I want to have an op bot, how do I set it up? There is an example how to make a bot. It says something that I should make a "class" because it doesn't work otherwise. Ok. Is the "class" some kind of file or what? Should I upload the class-file somewhere - or was it even a file?

    If I read this forum, it doesn't seem to give any help at all. Actually, it's the contrary. I thought I could run this thing from my webbrowser but no. This message tells something else:

    Ok. I should run it from "console". Right. What is console btw? I assume it is Command Prompt - or is it? "restart apache == bot is online". Right. Uh... I assume they are talking about servers now? Should I own a server for this thing? I assume I cannot restart the apache of my university server.

    These are just few of the thousand questionmarks which arise when I try to set these things up.

    So - I'm deeply lost with these bots. I'm sure its easy as hell and anyone can set those things up. It's just sad that there aren't any good manual for these things. It's kind of waste of coding.

    Btw if anyone can tell me in english how to setup an operator bot for IRC channel or knows some easy-to-install-bot, I would be glad to hear some information. Remember that I've used IRC now for three days and I know only HTML and CSS. My university system runs on UNIX server and it is SSH secured. Cgi-bin-gadgets are not allowed.  

    • Mirco Bauer

      Mirco Bauer - 2004-12-26

      SmartIRC is an IRC library (API) for developers that intent to write an application that communicates with IRC networks. This could be a bot, but you have to write the bot features/logic etc.
      What you need is a ready IRC bot for endusers, SmartIRC does not fall into this category, sorry.
      You could try U-Lyss IRC bot which is such ready-to-use-program
      Here the URL:


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