
#5 Channel syching messup

Wild Bill

(18:54:56) WildBillBot: I am in the following channels: ( 3 total )
#zcn, , #purezc

It seems that sometimes, an empty value gets into the array of
channels. This only happens when the bot fails to join the channel it
tried to join. It's only happened to me twice. Once because the bot
tried to join more channels than the server allows, and this time
because it was banned from the channel when it attempted the join.


  • Mirco Bauer

    Mirco Bauer - 2003-06-03
    • assigned_to: nobody --> meebey
  • Mirco Bauer

    Mirco Bauer - 2003-06-03

    Logged In: YES

    ok this sounds like a real bug in the channel syncing code.
    Did you use the current current CVS version? I made some
    changes/corrections there in the last days..

  • Wild Bill

    Wild Bill - 2003-06-03

    Logged In: YES

    Nope, I'm still using 0.5.1. Where can I get the CVS version? I'd be glad
    to play around with it and see how the channel synching works in it. :)

  • Matt Lehner

    Matt Lehner - 2003-06-10

    Logged In: YES

    Just updated with latest CVS as I always do. Wanted to
    report these errors:

    PHP Notice: Undefied property: name in SmartIRC.php on line

    From Logs:

    Jun 10 15:43:48 SmartIRC.php(2079) DEBUG_IRCMESSAGES:
    received: " 352 |AR|Serv
    #teamhf ~soul_kill
    * |HF|Soul_Killer H@ :3 Kyle Byrd"
    Jun 10 15:43:48 SmartIRC.php(2464)
    DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER: calling internal
    method "net_smartirc_messagehandler->_rpl_whoreply" (by
    Jun 10 15:43:48 SmartIRC.php(2580)
    DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: adding user: |HF|Soul_Killer to
    Jun 10 15:43:48 SmartIRC.php(2588)
    DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: adding op: |HF|Soul_Killer to

    (the bot is on channel #atomic-radio only)

    PHP Notice: Undefied property: name in SmartIRC.php on line

    Jun 10 16:19:10 SmartIRC.php(2079) DEBUG_IRCMESSAGES:
    received: ":|HF|Soul_Killer!~soul_kill@adsl-158-146- QUIT :Quit"
    Jun 10 16:19:10 SmartIRC.php(2464)
    DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER: calling internal
    method "net_smartirc_messagehandler->_quit" (by string)
    Jun 10 16:19:10 SmartIRC.php(2622)
    DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: user |HF|Soul_Killer quit, removing
    him from all channels
    Jun 10 16:19:10 SmartIRC.php(2633)
    DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: found him on channel: #atomic-
    radio destroying...
    Jun 10 16:19:10 SmartIRC.php(2633)
    DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: found him on channel:

    Same user so I am just assuming the first error created the

    Btw I am not sure if this is where I should post it, but I am. If
    I should open this as a new Bug please tell.

  • Mirco Bauer

    Mirco Bauer - 2003-06-10

    Logged In: YES

    this looks like it's the same bug as wildbill86 reported,
    thx for the log. I will try to reproduce this...

  • Matt Lehner

    Matt Lehner - 2003-06-11

    Logged In: YES

    Again this came up. And the weirdest thing is, it's the same
    user that cuases the problem. Maybe that will help you to
    figure this bug out.

  • Mirco Bauer

    Mirco Bauer - 2003-07-22

    Logged In: YES

    I believe this bug is now fixed, please try the current CVS
    I added debug output for the message parser, this should
    make it easy to find problems like this...

  • Matt Lehner

    Matt Lehner - 2003-07-22

    Logged In: YES

    I am using the latest CVS version, and it all looks better than
    before for the Channel Syncing, but I only see one problem.
    When the name reply is received the bot adds the user with
    the last letter cut off.

    Jul 22 12:08:24 SmartIRC.php(2143)
    DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER: calling internal
    method "net_smartirc->_event_rpl_namreply" (by numeric)
    Jul 22 12:08:24 SmartIRC.php(2259)
    DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: adding user: heWatcher to
    channel: #watcher
    Jul 22 12:08:24 SmartIRC.php(2259)
    DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: adding user: xavi to channel:

    Then on the who reply it adds the user correctly, making
    dupe users.

    Jul 22 12:08:24 SmartIRC.php(2143)
    DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER: calling internal
    method "net_smartirc->_event_rpl_whoreply" (by numeric)
    Jul 22 12:08:24 SmartIRC.php(2259)
    DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: adding user: xavia to channel:

    I am guessing it has something to do with this line:

    $userarray = explode(' ',substr($ircdata->message, strpos
    ($ircdata->message, ':')+1, -1));

    in messagehandler.php but havn't figured out how to fix it yet.

  • Mirco Bauer

    Mirco Bauer - 2003-07-22

    Logged In: YES

    I just could reproduce this bug, and I am so close to the
    stable 0.5.5 release! I found this bug kinda in the last
    minute and I am hunting it, and what you report now points
    right the place where the problem is, thank you very much!

  • Mirco Bauer

    Mirco Bauer - 2003-07-22
    • status: open --> closed
  • Mirco Bauer

    Mirco Bauer - 2003-07-22

    Logged In: YES

    yep, it was exactly that line,
    now it's:
    $userarray = explode(' ', substr($ircdata->message, 0, -1));

    on older versions of SmartIRC the old code worked and was
    right, because the data->message was not always rightly
    parsed, so in namreply at had the : which had to be cut off.
    Since this wrong parsing is fixed (some CVS version) it made
    troubles, because instead of striping the : it striped the
    first char of the nickname...

    it's fixed! ;)

  • Matt Lehner

    Matt Lehner - 2003-07-28

    Logged In: YES

    I believe there are still problems in Channel Syncing. I still get
    errors about $channel->name being undefined.
    PHP Notice: Undefined property: name in SmartIRC.php on
    line 2334
    PHP Notice: Undefined property: name in SmartIRC.php on
    line 2375
    PHP Notice: Undefined property: name in SmartIRC.php on
    line 2288
    PHP Notice: Undefined property: name in SmartIRC.php on
    line 2322
    PHP Notice: Undefined property: name in SmartIRC.php on
    line 2375
    From the debug:
    Jul 28 11:12:12 SmartIRC.php(1814) DEBUG_IRCMESSAGES:
    received: ":[AR]c5|Hardey!
    JOIN :#atomic-radio"
    Jul 28 11:12:12 SmartIRC.php(1874)
    DEBUG_MESSAGEPARSER: ircdata nick: "[AR]c5|Hardey"
    ident: "_FedEx_Har"
    host: "" type: "64"
    from: "[AR]c5|Hardey!"
    channel: "#atomic-radio" message: "#atomic-radio"
    Jul 28 11:12:12 SmartIRC.php(2206)
    DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER: calling internal
    method "net_smartirc->_event_join" (by string)
    Jul 28 11:12:12 messagehandler.php(65)
    DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: [AR]c5|Hardey joins channel:
    Jul 28 11:12:12 SmartIRC.php(2322)
    DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: adding user: [AR]c5|Hardey to
    channel: #atomic-radio
    Jul 28 11:12:12 SmartIRC.php(1742) DEBUG_IRCMESSAGES:
    sent: "WHO [AR]c5|Hardey"
    Jul 28 11:12:12 SmartIRC.php(1814) DEBUG_IRCMESSAGES:
    received: " 352 AtomicServ
    #xfactor _FedEx_Har *
    [AR]c5|Hardey H :3 jordan bin laden"
    Jul 28 11:12:12 SmartIRC.php(1874)
    DEBUG_MESSAGEPARSER: ircdata nick: ""
    ident: ""
    host: "" type: "32"
    from: "" channel: "#xfactor"
    message: "3 jordan bin laden"
    Jul 28 11:12:12 SmartIRC.php(2206)
    DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER: calling internal
    method "net_smartirc->_event_rpl_whoreply" (by numeric)
    Jul 28 11:12:12 SmartIRC.php(2322)
    DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: adding user: [AR]c5|Hardey to
    And also when he quits
    Jul 28 11:12:11 SmartIRC.php(1814) DEBUG_IRCMESSAGES:
    received: ":[AR]c5|Hardey!
    QUIT :Quit"
    Jul 28 11:12:11 SmartIRC.php(1874)
    DEBUG_MESSAGEPARSER: ircdata nick: "[AR]c5|Hardey"
    ident: "_FedEx_Har"
    host: ""
    type: "4096" from: "[AR]c5|Hardey!"
    channel: "" message: "Quit"
    Jul 28 11:12:11 SmartIRC.php(2206)
    DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER: calling internal
    method "net_smartirc->_event_quit" (by string)
    Jul 28 11:12:11 SmartIRC.php(2364)
    DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: user [AR]c5|Hardey quit, removing
    him from all channels
    Jul 28 11:12:11 SmartIRC.php(2375)
    DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: found him on channel: #atomic-
    radio destroying...
    Jul 28 11:12:11 SmartIRC.php(2375)
    DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: found him on channel:


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