
phpShout / News: Recent posts

phpShout-0.9.1 Released

phpShout has been used and worked enough that it is almost ready for version 1.0! phpShout is following the common open-source versioning convention of stable even-numbered releases and development odd-numbered releases. SO, the version 0.9 series represents the 1.0 release candidates. If no major bugs are found in the 0.9 series, it will become 1.0.

Posted by Brandon Holbrook 2006-10-30

phpShout-0.3 Released

Due to some overlooked variations between libshout 2.0 and 2.1, phpShout is not compatible with libshout version 2.0 and below. Thus, phpShout now requires libshout version 2.1 or greater to be installed.

This change is now reflected in the build phase of phpShout version 0.3 and all RPMs built on version 0.3

Posted by Brandon Holbrook 2006-03-11

phpShout-0.2.2 Bugfix Release

Another day, Another patchlevel! Rick Kuzik discovered yet another bug in phpShout's configure script. Recent changes broke configure's ability to detect the location of shout.h and include it in the CFLAGS for building.

Posted by Brandon Holbrook 2006-03-06

phpShout-0.2.1 Bugfix Release

A bug was found in config.m4 that caused the configure script to not detect installations of libshout version 2.0 correctly. Users of libshout version 2.1 and greater are not affected by this bug.

Down this maintenace release if you use libshout version 2.0 and the configure script cannot detect your installation of libshout.

Posted by Brandon Holbrook 2006-03-05

phpShout-0.2.0 Released!

phpShout has been bumped to version 0.2.0! Not only does this signify the growing stability and maturity of the code, but also reflects and important feature enhancement: phpShout now supports 'persistent' connections to an Icecast server. Read the release notes for more details, download and enjoy!

Posted by Brandon Holbrook 2006-03-04

phpShout-0.1.5 -- Bugfix release

phpShout 0.1.5 is here as a bugfix release. It fixes issues with compiles on PHP4 installations, as well as issues reading the default hostname from php.ini

Posted by Brandon Holbrook 2006-02-23


As always, right on the heels of php-Shout-0.1.3 comes version 0.1.4! config.m4 has been completely rewritted to use pkg-config to better detect and link dependencies at configure time, as well as some RPM .spec file changes. Enjoy!

Posted by Brandon Holbrook 2006-02-16

phpShout-0.1.3 Released!

phpShout-0.1.3 is only a maintenance release. phpinfo() now displays the current running version of phpShout.

This release was made mainly for the new Fedora RPMs that have been built for phpShout. Fedora Core 4 Users can now download an i386 RPM for quick installation of phpShout on their existing php installation, no compilation necessary!

The Source RPM and SPEC file have also been included for rebuilding on other systems / hardware. An x86_64 rebuild would be greatly appreciated!

Posted by Brandon Holbrook 2006-02-14

0.1.2 Release

I forgot to inclde some very important files in 0.1.1, and as a result ./configure wouldn't run. Fixed!

Posted by Brandon Holbrook 2006-02-08

0.1.1 - Critical Bugfix

phpShout-0.1.1 has been released. This release fixes a reference to a non-existstent function "php_shout_do_connect" that caused PHP to fail loading the phpShout Extension.

Posted by Brandon Holbrook 2006-01-31

0.1 is here!

The source code for phpShout-0.1 has officially been released. This software is ALPHA quality right now, please report any bugs / errors through the appropriate SourceForge mechanisms!

Posted by Brandon Holbrook 2006-01-24