
SAT - PHP System Administration Toolkit / News: Recent posts

When 12yo play "security expert"

If you are coming to this page you might have followed some bugtraq/advisory links. Concerning this I've posted a blog entry on the new site...

Posted by Moritz Bechler 2006-12-18

Moving away

The projects is moving to a new server, where all of sf's services can be provided. The new homepage of the project is
And yes - development is going on, subversion is available at the new homepage, and I'm looking forward to release a first version (0.1).

Posted by Moritz Bechler 2006-12-13

Status Update

work on phpsatk is going on. I've implemented the most basic features by now but there are some bigger tasks left. Module Management, Application Definition stuff, controllers and input abstraction are already in beta state but the output abstraction is still missing. I'll work on this in the next weeks. A first public preview might be expected to be online in September. If somebody is interested in contributing, you're very welcome.

Posted by Moritz Bechler 2006-07-31

Homepage update

I've updated the homepage to remove the old things left as well as give you details about the goals of this project, needed help and a online Version of the ooLDAP module.

Posted by Moritz Bechler 2006-05-11

Raising from the ashes.

I'm sorry that this project was sleeping several months but I had not enough time to continue to work on it began to work with php5, so I considered a complete rewrite. As I can see now there is still interest in this project (there were some downloads in the last months) and I'm motivated (and hopefully have enough spare time) to continue working on it. In fact I already started working on it again, first having some thoughts about core design (but i'm not pleased yet, so no release now) and a object-oriented LDAP interface (which I consider very useful) which I will release today.

Posted by Moritz Bechler 2006-05-10

Further Development

Last weeks there wasn't much development because im very busy at the moment. But there will be new features and a new version some day. Last i tried to implement some generic package-management and a installer based on it but that turned out not to be practiable.
Next features I am going to implement:
- I18N - Basic support of NLS from within classes and templates.
- Statistical Utilities - Storing of measurements and graphing them
- Log Analysis class(es)... read more

Posted by Moritz Bechler 2005-01-17


It would be nice if you guys out there gave me some feedback.
What do you like?
Do you find this kind of toolkit useful?
What features would you like?
Have you found bugs?
Have you had problems installing SAT?

If you would like to see more sample application, have a look at the CVS tree.

Projected features for beta2:
- Packet Management (for installing application)
- Some more graph tools(classes)
- An interface to mrtg
- Whatever you like.

Posted by Moritz Bechler 2004-10-03

Documentation Online

My developer documentation is now online on

Posted by Moritz Bechler 2004-09-29

Initial File Release

After testing the last components I decided to provide a beta version of my toolkit to the public. It will be available within the next days.

Posted by Moritz Bechler 2004-09-29