
"Phantom" code base released!!

The much anticipated "Phantom" code base has been added to phpRPG's SF CVS Repository!

The code is a complete rewrite of the "Phantasy" code base and now uses DOM/JS extensively to dynamically update the pages content to give the game a feel of an application and not so much a webpage. Some of the features are listed below:

- OO structure
- Structured Error Reporting
- Complete Layout Templating
- Improved Database Handling
- GetText Support
- Dynamic Image Manipulation
- Dynamic Sprite Creation
- Powerful and User-friendly Tools
- And much more ...

But even with these new additions there is still much to be done for the project. If you are a programmer or if you know of any who are looking to create a production quality, web based, strategy/role playing game, send them to us. The power of OpenSource is you!

Posted by Haeric 2005-01-27

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