
phpPgAdmin 3.0 Released!

phpPgAdmin 3.0 Released

3rd July 2003

The phpPgAdmin project is pleased to announce the final 3.0 release.

phpPgAdmin 3.0 has been rewritten from scratch over the last year in order to address many of the problems with the 2.4 codebase. In particular, phpPgAdmin is now largely immune to your PHP settings regarding register_globals and magic_quotes.

Now that we have a solid base with good functionality, we will move toward adding more advanced features in 3.1 and beyond.

This release is now recommended over the 2.4 series for all PostgreSQL users. Be aware, however that there are still some features in 2.4 that have not been ported to 3.0.

New features

* Excellent language support. All translations are pre-converted to HTML
Unicode, so there is no problem viewing a Russian database with Japanese
translations. Available in 14 languages.
* Full support for PostgreSQL 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4-dev.
* Colocation features that allow you to hide certain features.
* Manage all aspects of:
- Users & Groups
- Databases
- Schemas
- Tables, indexes, constraints, rules, triggers and privileges
- Views, sequences, functions and types
- Reports
* Easy data manipulation:
- Browse tables, views & reports
- Execute arbitrary SQL
- Select, insert, update and delete
* Dump table data in a variety of formats:
- SQL, COPY, XML, CSV, tabbed
* Very easy to install and use.

Posted by Christopher Kings-Lynne 2003-07-03

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