
PHP 5.3.0RC1

  • Jáchym Toušek

    Jáchym Toušek - 2009-04-28

    pls how can I run phpPgAdmin on PHP 5.3.0RC1?
    It shows this error:
    Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\Programs\Server\phpPgAdmin4.2.2\classes\Misc.php on line 344
    When I fix it, it works, but on login it shows another "deprecated" message.

    • Robert Treat

      Robert Treat - 2009-07-03

      I don't think anyone ever audited the code against php 5.3.x. It would be nice to get some feedback on that, I'd suggest anyone interested to join the phppgadmin developers list.

  • forchify

    forchify - 2009-10-01

    open with some text editor (gedit or wordpad)

    > classes/Misc.php

    , go to line 342, remove the & sign in front of new

    $data = **&**new $_type($_connection->conn);
    $data->platform = $_connection->platform;

    pass by reference has been deprecated, turned from E_WARNING into E_FATAL.

    Second, most classes are really out of date. With the release of 5.3, you guys should really consider splitting the project into php4/php5 with the next major update. Only add maintenance (as in bug fixed) for the php4 version and advance in php5. Most major web-hosts use php5.x anyway.



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