
PHPMySite Content Management System / News: Recent posts

phpMySite undergoes a major rewrite

phpMySite undergoes a major rewrite. It is now being released as phpMySite-2.0. It starts at the excellent base that phpMySite 1.x was, and fills out some of the features that weren't finished.

Posted by Dan Perik 2004-08-02

phpMySite new release

phpMySite has finally reached version 1.0. However, it requires php 4.2.0 or above and mySQL 3.23.23
or above. It will NOT run on earlier versions
of php or mySQL ... sorry.


Posted by John McCreesh 2002-05-19

PHPMySite goes on public display

The PHPMySite 'Home Page' is now life on SourceForge - written in PHPMySite of course! So, if you want to see what PHPMySite can do, feel free to browse.

If you email me it will encourage me to bundle up the first release!

Posted by John McCreesh 2001-08-06