
purpose of GD

  • Robert Treat

    Robert Treat - 2002-02-14

    just curious what you are useing GD for in the app.I looked at the demo and it looked like the only thing it was used for was the bar graphs, if so it might be nice to make a gd-less version for folks who don't have access to it or just dont want to recompile. (i haven't looked at the source as I didn't see a cvs tree anywhere so there might be antoher use for it, I just didn't see one looking at the demo.)

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2002-04-01

      GD is used for creating the top image. The bars are NOT rendered. It is however an option to make a GD-less version. Thanks for that tip :)

      I'm trying to get CVS working here, but I could'n t succeed so far...

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2002-10-29

      It is able now to have it all running without GD. However, not all the extra's will run!


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