
PHP ver 5.3.x

  • bdistler

    bdistler - 2011-09-22

    Is there a update or new ver for the deprecated errors with PHP ver 5.3.x ??

  • Dirk

    Dirk - 2011-09-23

    not, yet but will be coming soon!

  • Eddy Deijl

    Eddy Deijl - 2012-03-17

    6 months later and there is still no update :-(

  • Dirk

    Dirk - 2012-03-19

    Yes, there is! A new version (pMBP 2.2) was released on 2011-10-04 !

  • Eddy Deijl

    Eddy Deijl - 2012-03-19

    But still no update that works with the latest PHP version

  • claypole

    claypole - 2012-08-28

    I am using the latest version (2.3) and getting the error "Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in config.php on line 150, 144 and 146.

    This is due to the fact that I am using PHP 5.3. This link advises the fix (use !preg_match instead of !eregi).

    When will there be a version that is compatible with PHP 5.3?


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