
#14 export dump split into multiple files


request to refactor into another export from interface (changes run when running 'export' from interface)

modification to do_export()

addition of do_export_table_singleton($t='',$isvar=0,$MAXI=838860,$database_dir)



  • dtsdts

    dtsdts - 2011-04-30

    modifications for splitting .sql into database name directory - one table and all inserts per file

  • dtsdts

    dtsdts - 2011-04-30

    Changes were made for exporting large data sets

  • Oleg Savchuk

    Oleg Savchuk - 2011-05-02

    dtsdts, I am not sure I understood the request properly:
    - you need to be able to do an export to server-side directory and each table should be exported into separate file, right?

  • dtsdts

    dtsdts - 2011-05-02

    Yes, so an export can be run without changing the memory usage or timing out limit on shared servers(some shared servers don’t allow changes to configuration files, although setting variables could also be modified in the script) so an import could be stared before the export completes. Would be nice if tables could also be selected for exporting if the export is interrupted and has to be restarted. What do you think: is there another way?

    Attached a modified versions of your script if it’s something that can be used(although it doesn’t handle removing the directory and all its contents for multiple runs, an interface independent of the current export interface, or a notification/prompt after it completes

  • dtsdts

    dtsdts - 2011-05-02

    Oleg, deleting the previous file directory might not make sense if someone runs the script multiple times for an export.


  • Oleg Savchuk

    Oleg Savchuk - 2012-05-10

    well, phpminiadmin is intended for small website databases and quick operations, so I am not sure if it's worth to include this feature into main script.
    But you can always modify the script for your situation.

  • Oleg Savchuk

    Oleg Savchuk - 2012-05-10
    • status: open --> closed

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