
Login on Dev version

  • BishopK

    BishopK - 2003-10-01

    I installed the dev version. Im pretty sure things are setup right, however I cannot log in.  I think this has to do with the dev version not having the javascripts for the menu.  There is reference to 'javascript/menu9.js', however, there are no javascripts anywhere in the archive.

    • Brian Andrus

      Brian Andrus - 2003-12-12

      I have seen this issue as well. I think the .rar file is missing some stuff.

      • Roli Furter

        Roli Furter - 2004-01-04

        I have the same problem. Any Idea where to find the file?

    • michele bendinelli

      I get an error too; it states "Fatal error: session_start(): Failed to initialize storage module. in /var/www/phphelpdesk_distr_1.0.3_DEV_RELEASE/index.php on line 2"

      Is the rar missing some files?

    • Thomas Ronayne

      Thomas Ronayne - 2004-02-21

      You need to set the environment variable JAVA_HOME (/usr/lib/java, a symbolic link to where the current Java version actual resides) on many Linux and UNIX systems). Also, make sure you've got the correct data base and host configuration variables set in the conf file.

      You may find a hint in the Apache error log as well. It's name is error_log and it will be in the apache directory (mine is in /var/log/apache, yours may be somewhere else). Make sure that the user phphdadmin is granted (if not, it shows up in the PHP error log).


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