
NEWS: Code updated, new release?

Matt Kruse
  • Matt Kruse

    Matt Kruse - 2008-12-02

    I have updated and simplified the code in this library quite a bit, and it is working very well for me now.

    I plan to release it on Google Code so that development and support can continue.

    I believe the license allows me to do this, correct?

    I will try to post here when it is going, as well as blog on my site at

    Matt Kruse

    • Paul

      Paul - 2008-12-02

      i didn't see it on your website yet, but can't wait.

      look forward to seeing it on google code!

    • Travis Harris

      Travis Harris - 2008-12-02

           I really appreciate your help on this.  It is much needed.  We have really not had any time to work on this for ages and ages.

      We would however really appreciate you continuing to maintain the code here (in addition to google code if you would like)  I can add you as a dev right away if you would like and are willing.

    • Matt Kruse

      Matt Kruse - 2008-12-02

      I don't really like sourceforge, not sure why. I'm fairly google-centric these days. SF always seems clunky to me, although I typically only use it to download projects :)

      Is SF backed by SVN? I like the easy Wiki on Google Code projects, is there something similar here?

      Is there a reason you would like to have the code continue to be maintained here? Perhaps I could set it up on Google Code and you could mirror it here if you wish. I don't plan to do a lot of extensive development on the library, but I hope others add tweaks here and there.

      My main work has been to combine files, remove commented-out stuff, add support for custom number/date formatting (including stuff like #,###.00;[Red](#,###.00) ), enhanced the date formatting support, added some methods to simplify extraction of data (ex: $xls->val(5,'M')  ), etc.

      I have an example XLS with a bunch of data formatted different ways, and after much work it finally reads it all correctly. I'm currently using it in some rapid prototyping work, where my data source is an XLS sheet that a non-coder can change any time he wants and the prototype app will reflect all his value and formatting changes. It's a slick way to develop, IMO. I definitely appreciate all the work that went into the code up to where I grabbed it. Great stuff!

    • Matt Kruse

      Matt Kruse - 2008-12-04

      Project Created:

      Comments welcome, here or there.


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