
PHPDictionary 2 Released

Welcome to PHPDictionary 2.0!


PHPDictionary is a script written in PHP ( and SQL (specificall, MySQL) to allow
conlangers to create dictionaries of their constructed languages. (For more information on conlangs
and conlangers, see


1. Dictionary
2. Phrasebook
3. Installer
4. Password-protected Administration
5. Config file


The dictionary has both yourlang-English and English-YourLang dictionaries. It reads your words out
of a MySQL database and then formats and alphabetizes the information before printing it to the screen
of your computer. It also has a search function that will be made more robust by v3.0, but as of yet
does not provide full searching capabilities.


The phrasebook, like the dictionary, goes both to and from your language. As of this release it does
not have a search function, but that should be added by v2.5


The installer installs the MySQL databases using your username and password. By v3.0 it will also
include the ability to write a specific username and password to your administration page -- saving
you the trouble of doing so yourself. It will also include an OPTIONAL registration, which will merely
let us know that you are using the script. The registration will include the option of becoming a member
of an e-mail newsletter so that you will be notified when new versions are released.


The administration, which is password protected, allows you to add, edit, and delete words and
phrases. Currently you need to edit the username and password variables at the top, but by version
3.0 that will no longer be necessary


The configuration file contains your MySQL username and password, and the database in which
your dictionary table will be placed. Again, by version 3.0 this information will be written
to this file by the installer, currently you need to edit that information.


1. Open up config.php and edit your MySQL and conlang settings
2. Open up admin.php and edit your username and password settings
3. Upload all the files to your website
4. Run install.php
5. Start creating your dictionary!

-----PHPDictionary 3-----

PHPDictionary will have:

1. No manual editing of documents
2. A blog system
3. An optional shoutbox system
4. Optional FREE registration
5. Bug fixes


By version 3 you will be asked in the install script if you wish to register, and then be
taken to a form. For now, if you like, merely send an e-mail to saying you are
using the script.


PHPDictionary operates under the GNU/GPL liscence. By using the software you agree to follow that
liscence. You may modify the software for yours or others use, but must notify PHPDictionary of
the changes so that PHPDictionary may implement them if we wish to.


Posted by Aaron Morse 2004-09-29

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