
PHPAdventure! / News: Recent posts

PHPAdventure! 1.1-Alpha released

I have just released PHPAdventure! 1.1-Alpha, which adds some feelies (tooltip pop-ups, room go indicators, etc) and some important classes (NPC, Door, etc) and a bunch of bug fixes.

Posted by Steven Kollmansberger 2003-10-18

PHPAdventure! 1.0-Alpha out

I have just release 1.0-Alpha, the first public release of PHPAdventure! This version should work, but doesn't have very many features. Tutorial and sample game are included.

Posted by Steven Kollmansberger 2003-09-27

Got started

Currently, the system is at version 0.9 where-in it is usable (in what exists) but there are rough edges. I would like to do the following:
- Expand the sample game (The Golden Skull), stable version playable from the webpage to include a few other demo features and a win condition. (And fix whatever system bugs are encountered in the process)
- Write a tutorial based on The Golden Skull
- Write up some basic class documentation.
I think that would be good enough to call 1.0 (i.e. I plan to make a package release at that point). After that, I can work on adding more classes.

Posted by Steven Kollmansberger 2003-09-18