
PHP-Calendar / News: Recent posts

Plans Moving Forward

I've done a lot of work improving the users and permissions system over the past few weeks. I have a couple of items left on the list, and I need re-write the install script. If you would like to test things out, please see the demo calendar, or check out from SVN. If you need the DB schema, which you do if you're checking out from SVN, send me an email and I'll send it to you. When I get the install script done, I'm going to release a beta. I'm not currently planning on writing an update script. If anyone is interested in one, please let me know. My plan is to release a couple of betas leading up to the DB format redesign which has been lying around in my development branch for a couple of years now. Anyone interested in helping should learn SVN and if you need any pointers, send me an email. I've started a project to write a frontend to the calendar with GWT (AJAX).

Posted by Sean Proctor 2009-06-08

1.1 Released

Now with real users. Users support is still pretty simplistic. There are now admins and users. Users can only edit/delete their own events, unless anonymous users are allowed to edit/delete. Admins can create users, and edit/delete anything. This has probably been the most requested feature. DB format changed slightly. You'll need to goto update10.php. If you have any troubles with this... you can just add a column to the users table called admin of tinyint, default 0. Also, to make your first admin, you're going to have to change the admin column on a user to 1. I should have put this in the update script, but I forgot.

Posted by Sean Proctor 2009-01-07

Finally version 1.0

Merry Christmas, or whatever winter holiday you may celebrate (unless you're in the southern hemisphere, then I'm really at a loss). Given the lack of many pressing issues lately, and the fact that development on the current branch has slowed pretty much to a halt, I thought now would be a good time to throw the 1.0 label on PHP-Calendar. Other than a couple of bug fixes, this version only adds yearly events. Please report any bugs you find.

Posted by Sean Proctor 2008-12-24

0.10.5 released

This release brings a fix for an issue displaying php-calendar under some conditions with Firefox. The problem was fairly intermittent, but still bad. I've added translations for Dutch and Japanese languages (not done by myself).

I think I have translation support down. As of version 0.10.5 things should be a bit nicer in this regard. I'm starting to add new translations. How to use them is documented in the INSTALL file. If you translate the calendar to anotherlanguage, please email me. If you don't want to wait for a new version (for your translation to work), add an abbreviation for your language to $languages in includes/globals.php then in setup.php near the bottom add a case for your abbreviation to the switch statement. You can use the existing languages as a guide. Then create a directory to put your messages.po file in called locales/your_abbreviation/LC_MESSAGES and create the

Posted by Sean Proctor 2005-09-15

0.10.5 coming soon

It was recently brought to my attention that a seemingly benign HTML generation bug is causing issues for Mozilla Firefox. This bug is fixed in CVS and I will be releasing 0.10.5 in a few days with this fix. I'm also looking for people to test different DB systems and let me know the results. Currently I'm only supporting PostgreSQL and MySQL, because those are the only two I have access to. If you have access to DB supported by ADOdb other than those two, please contact me.... read more

Posted by Sean Proctor 2005-09-14

Work progressing slowly

Most (most) of the difficult work for the next release (0.11) has been done. The DB has been redesigned, the UI for submitting events has been mostly redesigned, the install script has been updated, and most of the code has been modified to work with the new DB structure. What's left is to write a generic form class to create and process the forms for the new event submit (and thereby ease actual implementation), modify the update script to convert from the old DB, and complete the transition to true users. After 0.11, I'll start knocking off the vast number of items on my TODO list.... read more

Posted by Sean Proctor 2005-09-13

0.10.2 released

Well, this is my first news post. I figure I should give some history. PHP-Calendar was originally started after I couldn't contact the developer from CST-Calendar. I need to give some thanks to him. I can no longer even find the page that had the source to CST-Calendar. If anyone knows where it is, please email me at I was looking for a calendar for a student group that I was in at the time. We were using and I wanted something that fit in better with our web site and also without a password, so we wouldn't have to worry about one person in the group changing the password or all of us constantly forgetting the password. So PHP-Calendar was born as a cleaned up version of CST-Calendar. Over the next few releases I rewrote every part of the calendar to add more features. I was trying to get it on par with Eventually I left that student group and so no longer had much use for the calendar. I have only maintained it because I've been motivated by people sending in emails with problems and suggestions.... read more

Posted by Sean Proctor 2005-04-05