
Phex - P2P Gnutella filesharing program / News: Recent posts

Phex 3.2.0 released

After almost 5 months of constant development Phex now reached its next release.

The GUI received many smaller improvements and a multitude of lesser and bigger
changes happened under the hood.

The most notable ones are:

First: download-side THEX integration, so poisoned files are a thing of the

Second, a major redesign of the upload architecture and far leaner security
system for better performance and a vastly reduced memory footprint. ... read more

Posted by Arne Babenhauserheide 2007-08-02

Phex 2.8.8 released

Phex is a peer to peer file sharing program running on the Gnutella Network. It's available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, and other operating systems supporting Java 1.4 or later.
Phex supports the latest Gnutella protocol, swarming downloads, multiple searches and many other advanced features.

Phex 2.8.8 focuses on bug fixes and optical improvements. We present Phex with a new set of icons, which we hope are more appealing to you then the old icon set. Additionally we solved a few problems with firewall detection and the OSX release.
Very likely Phex 2.8.8 will be the last release supporting Java 1.4. From now on development will switch the to Java 5 and it will be required for the next major release Phex 3.0. Major or critical bugs might be back ported to the Phex 2.8.x release line, but this will have low priority. If you are interested in maintaining a Java 1.4 release line, please contact us.... read more

Posted by Gregor K. 2006-07-04

Phex 2.8.6 released

Phex is a peer to peer file sharing program running on the Gnutella Network. It's available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, and other operating systems supporting Java 1.4 or later.
Phex supports the latest Gnutella protocol, swarming downloads, multiple searches and many other advanced features.

This release primarily contains bug fixes with minor improvements, including:

Multiple ban host options
Mac OS X search tree expansion fix
Chat security vulnerability fix
Multiple user interface fixes... read more

Posted by Gregor K. 2006-04-25

Phex 2.8.4 released

Phex is a peer to peer file sharing program running on the Gnutella Network. It's available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, and other operating systems supporting Java 1.4 or later.
Phex supports the latest Gnutella protocol, swarming downloads, multiple searches and many other advanced features.

In this release we completely removed the need of a network to connect to the Gnutella Network. Instead Phex now communicates with other Phex' via your speakers and notifies you of successful downloads by twinkling, bringing you an experience you won't ever forget, except maybe if you read these release notes on the day they where published :)... read more

Posted by Gregor K. 2006-04-06

Phex 2.8 released

Phex is a peer to peer file sharing program running on the Gnutella Network. It's available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, and other operating systems supporting Java 1.4 or later.
Phex supports the latest Gnutella protocol, swarming downloads, multiple searches and many other advanced features.

Phex 2.8 is now available for download and comes with the following enhancements.

New Download Engine... read more

Posted by Gregor K. 2005-11-01

Gnutella Client Phex 2.4 (stable) released

We are proud to release version 2.4 of the Gnutella file-sharing program Phex.
Phex is a file sharing program running on the Gnutella Network. It will run on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, and other operating systems supporting Java 1.4.
Phex supports the latest Gnutella protocol, swarming downloads, multiple searches and many other advanced features.

To get more information about Phex visit our homepage read more

Posted by Gregor K. 2005-05-07

Gnutella Client Phex 2.1.4 BETA released

Phex 2.1.4 BETA has been released.

Bug fix release that fixes many upload problems and has a few new features. See the ChangeLog for more infos.
Almost all of the changes and fixes in this release are implemented by Nicholas Farrell!

You can download it here:

Posted by Gregor K. 2004-09-29

Gnutella Client Phex 2.1.2 BETA released

Phex 2.1.2 BETA has been released.

This is a bug fix release with many improvements and fixes on the download engine.

You can download it here:

Posted by Gregor K. 2004-09-16

Gnutella Client Phex 2.1.0 BETA released

Phex 2.1.0 BETA has been released.

You can download it here:

Posted by Gregor K. 2004-08-31

Gnutella Client Phex BETA released

Phex BETA has been released.

You can download it here:

Changes in this version include:
New Security Concept
New Statistics Concept
Full Ultrapeer Support
Imporved User Interface look
Many bug fixes and performance improvements.

Posted by Gregor K. 2003-05-16

Gnutella Client Phex released

Phex has been released.

You can download it here:

Changes in this version include:

- Ultrapeer connections
- GWebCache support
- Download and Upload Queuing
- Partial File Sharing
- Browse Host
- Chat with Phex, Limewire and Shareaza Users

Posted by Gregor K. 2003-02-07

Gnutella Client Phex 0.7.3 released

Phex 0.7.3 has been released.

You can download it here:

Changes in this version include:

- Search and download files by hash (HUGE)
- Fixed problems caused by faulty vendor codes.

Posted by Gregor K. 2002-07-11

Gnutella Client Phex 0.7.2 released

Phex 0.7.2 has been released.

You can download it here:

Changes in this version include:

- New non-destructive search filter concept.
- Monitoring Query Hits for new download candidates.
- Improved multi-source download.
- Many bug fixes.

Posted by Gregor K. 2002-07-03

Gnutella Client Phex 0.7.1 released

Phex 0.7.1 fixes problems with corrupted class files causing drawing problems and other strange behavior of the user interface in Phex 0.7.

Posted by Gregor K. 2002-05-29

Phex 0.7 released

Phex 0.7 has been released.

You can download it here:

This new Phex release is packed with new features and brings an improved interface look.
Changes in this version include:

- New multi-source download engine.
- Minimize to system-tray on Windows platforms.
- Filtering of search results by media type.
- Download candidate rating.
- Extensive table configuration to hide/show, auto-resize and sort columns.
- Interface settings are saved on exit.
- Big performance improvements.

Posted by Gregor K. 2002-05-26

Phex 0.6.3 released

Phex 0.6.3 has been released.

You can download it here:

This Phex release contains many bug fixes and other minor improvements
of the user interface, download engine, and research engine. They
make Phex much more stable and efficient.

Posted by Gregor K. 2002-02-27

Phex 0.6.2 released

Phex 0.6.2 has been released.

You can download it here:

This new Phex release brings you a completly new settings dialog and some very importent fixes for higher download efficiency.
The major improvements of this release are:

- Completely new designed settings dialog for easier Phex configuration.

- Performance improvement for searches against your shared files.

- Fixed critical bug with total file size handling. Causing 'add candidate' and research to not always function properly.

Posted by Gregor K. 2002-01-30

Phex 0.6.1 released

Phex 0.6.1 has been released.

You can download it here:

This new Phex release contains many bug fixes and improvements of the user interface and the Gnutella core logic.
The major improvements of this release are:

- Improved bandwidth throttle for download, upload and network connections.

- Minimum file size filter for searchs to reduce unwanted search results.

- Improved calculation of average transfer rates to provide a more stable remaining transfer time.

Posted by Gregor K. 2002-01-08

Phex 0.6 released

Phex 0.6 has been released.

You can download it here:

The new Phex release brings you many major improvements for easier searching and sharing of files on the Gnutella network. The major improvements of this release are:

- Improved configuration of your download.
- Completly rewritten automatic search framework.
- Gnutella Protocol v0.6 support.
- Automatic check for new Phex versions.

Posted by Gregor K. 2001-11-20

Phex 0.5.6 released...

The main improvement of this release is a new auto connect
host panel that allows you to configure new auto connect
hosts by yourself. This was introduced fast because
recently there is a problem to find a running standard auto connect host.

Posted by Gregor K. 2001-09-26

Phex 0.5.5 released

In this release some little GUI improvements and bug fixes
are added. But most important a major improvement was done
with fixing of errors for file resuming. Also the Phex
configuration files are now stored in a separate folder.

The release has been split into a binary release
( and a source only release
( If you are only interested in using
Phex just download the binary release. For developers the
source release might be interesting too.

Posted by Gregor K. 2001-09-21

Phex 0.5.3 released...

Funny enough: exactly one month after the last release the next generation of Phex is now available. Some of the issues we heard over and over again have been adressed: the GUI-freeze-bug has been fixed, but what is more important is the greatly improved hostcatcher. Phex connects to the network in no time now. All in all Phex 0.5.3 is now more stable and more performant then all previous versions and you should really grab Phex 0.5.3 in the files section.

Posted by Konrad Haenel 2001-08-12

Phex 0.5.2 released...

Some changes in the automated search bahaviour make Phex
a little less agressive towards the Gnutella-network.
A modification of the manifest allows users to start
Phex like before version 0.5.0 with the "java -jar phex.jar"

Posted by Konrad Haenel 2001-07-10

Phex 0.5.1 released...

Phex 0.5.1 is probably the most stable version ever released. We really listened to the overwhelming feedback to release 0.5.0 and tried our best to adress as many issues as possible. Numerous bugfixes and several improvements are the result and make it the best Phex available to date.

Posted by Konrad Haenel 2001-06-25

New release...

I just released Phex 0.5.0 today. Its "amazing" (as Steve and Bill would say), so get yourself a copy and forget about the other poor gnutella clients.

Posted by Konrad Haenel 2001-06-07