
3.0.0 Release?

  • Victor Ivrii

    Victor Ivrii - 2014-01-11

    If I understand correctly version 3.0.0 has been released. However it has not appeared on CTAN
    and therefore has not found its way to TeXLive.

    Could you clarify the status of 3.0.0?

  • Till Tantau

    Till Tantau - 2014-01-13

    On the same day that I uploaded 3.0.0 to sourceforge (December 20th, 2013) I also uploaded it on CTAN. However, the CTAN team answered the next day that due to the complexity of the package they need time to put it on CTAN. If the package is not available by, say, 20th of January, I will query them once more. Till then, I think we can only just wait...

  • Marko Pinteric

    Marko Pinteric - 2014-01-30

    It is still not available.

  • amwfc

    amwfc - 2014-02-13


    V.3 still not on CTAN :(
    Could you poke them with a stick?
    I am so anxious to start using v.3!!!

  • Ignasi

    Ignasi - 2014-02-28

    Last edit: Ignasi 2014-02-28