
Upgrade from ProjectForge 3.4.3 to 3.5.1

Borna Yuan
  • Borna Yuan

    Borna Yuan - 2011-01-28

    Dear K.Reinhard,

    I am using ProjectForge 3.4.3, what are the steps for upgrading to 3.5.1? Could you please help list the guide steps? Thanks a lot!!!

  • Kai Reinhard

    Kai Reinhard - 2011-01-29

    Dear bornayuan,

    I've updated the documentation:

    Normally you only need to call "system update" from the web menu and click update until you've reached your desired version. ProjectForge does automatically update your system. Afterwards you can install the new version.

    Best regards

  • Kai Reinhard

    Kai Reinhard - 2011-01-31

    Hi again,

    our system administrators have updated the SSL certificate one week ago. Therefore the automatically update mechnism doesn't work fully automatically. Please refer again:
    You'll need to download the update script manually and upload it into your ProjectForge installation.

    Best regards

  • Kai Reinhard

    Kai Reinhard - 2011-02-03

    Hi again,

    please use the convenient auto-update method of version 3.5.2 (released today). The update offers you an update page directly after your administrator login: You only have to accept the update by clicking the update button.

    This works for any previous versions of ProjectForge.

    Best regards


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