
PersonalBackup / News: Recent posts

PersonalBackup 1.11 released

After a year a new bug has been discovered in the cleanup script.

When manually resetting the archived field in the backuplog table to 'N', the cleanup script archives in a bad fashion. This release fixes it :)

Have fun!


Posted by Kim Kuylen 2008-07-29

PersonalBackup 1.10 released

A new release of PersonalBackup is available for download. This release contains a major bugfix concerning the cleanup script

* Fixed SF bug 1763689. Due to a wrong order by clause, new backups where automatically cleaned

Have fun!


Posted by Kim Kuylen 2007-07-31

PersonalBackup 1.09 released

A new release of PersonalBackup is available for download. This release contains a major bugfix concerning the daemon and a small fix for the mail system.

* Fixed SF bug 1648611. Providing correct status in overview mail
* Fixed bug which causes the personalbackupd to error out on a closed database handle

Have fun!


Posted by Kim Kuylen 2007-02-13

PersonalBackup 1.08 released

This release contains a single bugfix. Up till now folders which contained a ` symbol in their names where not properly processed.

Have fun!


Posted by Kim Kuylen 2007-02-02

PersonalBackup 1.07 released

Thanks to Arkadi Colson we have detected 2 bugs which are tackled in this 1.07 release

The bugs in question are 1636774 and 1636772.

Have fun ;)


Posted by Kim Kuylen 2007-01-16

PersonalBackup 1.06 released

This new PersonalBackup release is mainly focused on some code cleanup in the backend. which helped us to finally get rid of some annoying perl warnings.

This release also centralizes all the DBI stuff in a single class, which brings more transparency in the code

Also bug 1592310 has been closed in this release and as a last point we have also added the feature of choosing where the personalbackup daemon stores its logs, or in syslog, or in a seperate logfile.... read more

Posted by Kim Kuylen 2007-01-15

Migration from CVS to SVN

CVS has been a great companion for quite a few years now...but the time has come to migrate to its successor.

Therefor, from now on all development work is being stored on Subversion instead of CVS.

The Personalbackup code can be fetched from now.

Happy svn'ing

Posted by Kim Kuylen 2006-10-27

PersonalBackup 1.05 released

This release contains a single Bugfix in the personalbackup deamon.

The database connection was closed in the resetdb routine, which caused the daemon to stop working. This effect occured randomly, depending on where the alarm hit in the persoanbackupd code

I encourage everybody to download and use this version.


Posted by Kim Kuylen 2006-10-19

PersonalBackup 1.04 released

A quick release which fixes a bug we recentlty encountered. The client does not continue if there is a lost dbm lock file lying around.

This release takes care of that problem.

I encourage everybody to download and use this version.

I hereby also want to thank again all the contributers.


Posted by Kim Kuylen 2006-10-18

PersonalBackup 1.03 released

This is a quick release to solve 3 bugs in the PersonalBackup code.

I encourage everybody to download and use this version.

I hereby also want to thank again all the contributers.


Posted by Kim Kuylen 2006-08-28

PersonalBackup 1.02 released

Some minor fixes have been applied to the PersonalBackup Code in this release.

The main purpose of the PersonalBackup suite is to take backups of data from Windows machine by making use of Samba.
However Samba shares on linux boxes can also be backed up ofcourse.
The suite has a web frontend and currently uses a PostgreSQL database backend.

The data is being stored on the PersonalBackup server by making use of hardlinks. This is in fact the power of PersonalBackup.
It will only store the "real" differences between seperate backup sets.
If a file did not change on the end users machine, only a hardlink will be created locally.
By using this approach PersonalBackup also does not need a "Full" backup to start with.
Because of this ever incremental approach PersonalBackup will start backing up where it left of if it was not possible to tranfer the
complete share in 1 day.
For the end users it seems that every day a "Full" backup is being taken from their registered shares...but in fact PersonalBackup is only copying the data that is really changed.
This approach reduces both bandwith & storage needs.... read more

Posted by Kim Kuylen 2006-08-16

PersonalBackup 1.01 released

After more than a year of hard work I am glad to announce a new release of the PersonalBackup suite.

The main purpose of the PersonalBackup suite is to take backups of data
from Windows machine by making use of Samba. However
Samba shares on linux boxes can also be backed up ofcourse.
The suite has a web frontend and currently uses a PostgreSQL database

The data is being stored on the PersonalBackup server by making use of
hardlinks. This is in fact the power of PersonalBackup.
It will only store the "real" differences between seperate backup sets.
If a file did not change on the end users machine, only a hardlink will
be created locally.
By using this approach PersonalBackup also does not need a "Full" backup
to start with.
Because of this ever incremental approach PersonalBackup will start
backing up where it left of if it was not possible to tranfer the
complete share in 1 day.
For the end users it seems that every day a "Full" backup is being taken
from their registered shares..but in fact PersonalBackup is only copying
the data that is really changed.
This approach reduces both bandwith & storage.... read more

Posted by Kim Kuylen 2006-02-19

First release of PersonalBackup

I am happy to announce the first relase of the PersonalBackup Software.

Personalbackup is a company wide backup system for backing up Windows machines and Samba shares, it is built around perl, java, javascript and a postgresql database backend.

There is no need at all to install software on the client machines to be able to back it up.

A omplete web-interface is provided for the users, as well as for the backup administrators.... read more

Posted by Kim Kuylen 2004-11-18

Registration of PersonalBackup

Finally, the registration of PersonalBackup on sourceforge has become a fact :)

Soon I will release the code....

I have placed some screenshots....just to tease :-P


Posted by Kim Kuylen 2004-11-16