

The PEOPLE project aims to speed up the understanding of the smart cities, through the rapid implementation and deployment of innovative internet-based services, in order to allow facing the main challenges of developed cities at present and towards their future quality of life. This will be enabled by designing and implementing user-driven open innovation methodologies and processes.

For these purposes, four pilot Smart Open Innovation Urban Ecosystems have been created to become seeds towards sustainable smart cities based on ICT services for the people to live better at. They are called PEOPLE Pilots, and they are deeply networked in order to enhance the total impact by creating synergies and increasing knowledge generation and uptake. The four Pilots are:

- Bilbao, in Spain
- Bremen, in Germany
- Thermi, in Greece (Thessaloniki agglomeration)
- Vitry sur Seine, in France (Île de France area, close to Paris)

They have been selected due to their backgrounds in relation to smart cities based on innovation in ICT as well as their strategic interest in the project. Some initiatives are already being launched in each city in relation to the objectives of the project, and PEOPLE fits entirely within their local agendas towards the evolution of each city.

For more information about the project, please visit our main page: People Project

The mission of the Developers’ Community for the services of Bilbao’s Pilot is to support the collaborative development of open source software services in the field of smart cities. The community serves to showcase the existing services, provides a forum for discussing features and applications, and guides developers’ groups in open the source creation, contribution and release.
On this website you will be able to find all the necessary information about the SourceForge community created for the PEOPLE project and its services:

- The last version of the project with all its services, ready to download it.
- A Blog with current information related to the project.
- Forums to discuss the project, report bugs, give suggestions, etc.
- And the links to each service developed, with their own wiki, code and forum.

The services developed are: HOYRESPIRO, 3D Walking Tour and GeoCur

If you want to download the source code use this link: