
Pentaho: Report Designer Milestone 1 (Citrus) Available

A complete business intelligence platform that includes reporting, analysis (OLAP), dashboards, data mining and data integration (ETL). Use it as a full suite or as individual components that are accessible via web services. Ranked #1 in open source BI.

Pentaho Report Designer - Citrus Milestone 1 is now available for download.

NOTE: The Citrus release name means we don't know what the release number will be yet. It
will likely be after 2.1

New in Citrus:

There have been extensive changes both architecturally and with the user interface. This milestone is meant for people already familiar with the Pentaho Report Designer (PRD) and who would like to provide feedback early in the development cycle. Users unfamiliar with PRD or who are evaluating Pentaho should download the latest stable build.



Release Notes:


Wiki Documentation:

Pentaho Home:

This milestone is a very early release. It is not compatible with any version of the platform. You can NOT publish reports created with this version to a BI Server. You may only preview the reports within the Report Designer.

A milestone release gives the community time to evaluate new features, provide feedback and report bugs while there is still time to make changes. A milestone release is NOT production quality and should be considered unstable.

Posted by Doug Moran 2009-02-12

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