
Simple question

  • Jay R. Curry

    Jay R. Curry - 2008-01-28

    What configuration steps are available to change the default media player for PanguinTV? It looks like there is some interest in this, but ther does not appear to be any documentation here, or any place else.

    Saying that it's a 'gnome' issue is not a reasonable response. Again the question is how do I tell PenguinTV what media player it should use? If that means that someone needs to fire up gnome-default-applications-properties specify the multi-media player of choice on the MultiMedia tab, then re-install the operating system from scratch, Say so.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2008-05-17

      Take a look at file.  Look for

      def get_play_command_for(filename):

      You'll see that if running under KDE, asks KDE for installed service and if found uses that.  Defaults to "kfmclient exec " if not found.

      If running under Gnome, users the Gnome VFS to ask for the application.  If not found, uses "gnome-open ".

      If you are having trouble getting play to work, a simple fix is to change code to something like this:

      def get_play_command_for(filename):
          return "kfmclient exec "

      Note the space after "exec".  kfmclient then uses whatever application you have configured for the mime type and file extension.  You can change these in Konqueror preferences.  Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> File Associations.

      If you're running under Gnome, use this:

      def get_play_command_for(filename):
          return "gnome-open "

      Gnome provides a utility for configuring the application that gnome-open runs.

      BTW, I've recently switched from Miro to PenguinTV and find ptv much better.  I like that it consumes far fewer resources and relies on external players of my choice (with coding change above).

      You may discover that PenquinTV doesn't work if you switched from Miro because Miro has configured itself as the default player for many mime types.  Ouch.

      Tip for others switching from Miro: Miss the Miro Guide?  Just point your browser to


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