
PenCube / News: Recent posts

PenCube is taking a break

Well, i am taking a break for PenCube actually :)
I don't really have time lately, so dev will be halted for a while (ok, it already has).
I'm thinking of terminating the project, as i have the opportunity of trying what i wanted to try on Barbux...

Posted by Mathieu Ropert 2006-10-18

Loader works

The PenCube loader works fine. It still need to be documented, but all the basic features are supported.
I'll update the kernel code to use this new feature.
Kernel tarballs will include the loader.

Posted by Mathieu Ropert 2005-04-06

PenCube loader update

Stages 1 (boot) and 2 (setup) of the new boot loader are done.
I hope to complete stage 3 (bootstrap) and commit it before next week.

Posted by Mathieu Ropert 2005-01-27

Project resuming

PenCube developpement was halted for about five months, but i've now time to resume the project.

I'm currently working on a new kernel-independant loader. This loader will include boot, setup and boostrap, and start a kernel in a protected, paged, 32 bits environment. I plan to implements MD5 ou AES kernel checksum and gzip or bzip2 compression.
First version will be a floppy loader, but i plan to make a disk loader in the future.... read more

Posted by Mathieu Ropert 2005-01-25

Boot process enhanced

PenCube now have a three stage boot loader.

I kept the old boot sector and setup, and added a new stage called "bootstrap" that initialize the final environnement of the kernel putting it at virtual address 0xc0000000.
Kernel code now starts with paging enabled, first 4 megs identically mapped, and no longer needs an assembly entry point.

Posted by Mathieu Ropert 2004-06-21

PenCube pre-alpha code released

I've just uploaded the pre-alpha code of PenCube on SourceForge CVS.

I'll put a source tarball as soon as possible.

Posted by Mathieu Ropert 2004-06-16