
Canceling call problem

  • Jozek;

    Jozek; - 2010-07-07


    first of all congratulations for great and easy to use sip implementation!
    Still, I've got a little problem with cancelling calls - it is possible only after RINGING message occurs.
    Is there any way to cancel the connection sooner? Eg when TRYING occur?

    Thx again and sorry for my english

  • yohannmartineau

    yohannmartineau - 2010-07-07


    in SIP, you can only send CANCEL request after the reception of the first provisional response (101 - 199)
    In peers, in theory, you should be able to close the window before 180 response reception. Thus, you can hangup at any time. When you click on close before 180 reception, peers stops media resources but it does not send a CANCEL request.

  • Jozek;

    Jozek; - 2010-07-07

    Thanks for Your really quick reply!

    As You said closing stop only resources but doesn't finish call. In result even if I close peers established connection is still going and I have to cancel it using my phone. Is there no way to tell sip server that I don't want to realize the call even before RINGING?

  • Jozek;

    Jozek; - 2010-07-07

    For example, when I use X-lite and end call asap after clicking make call and use wireshark to see what is going on, it appears, that CANCEL is sent after trying, but before ringing.

  • yohannmartineau

    yohannmartineau - 2010-07-07

    yeah, that's right, x-lite sends a cancel request because 100 trying contains tags in both from and to headers. IIRC, this case is not very clear in RFC 3261, but I have to check.
    Can you open a bug in the bug tracker with traces and a description of gui behavior?



  • Jozek;

    Jozek; - 2010-07-08

    Sure, I opened a bug in bug tracker. I hope I've done it properly. Actually I don't see the difference between traces from Peers and X-Lite.

  • yohannmartineau

    yohannmartineau - 2010-07-08

    Thank you,

    I will take a look at it asap, I'm very busy right now, but I will consider it.

    Thank you,



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