
Work Still Being Done??

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I am very interested in this project and have been following it since I first heard about it.  Is work still being continued on this?  Are we nearing another release Beta or otherwise?

    • Patrick Wagstrom

      There were significant problems with the architecture of the first release of the software.  Currently the system is being reevaluated and reimplemented to be a lot cleaner and modular.  Look for something in the next month to month and a half.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Is the project dead? Please keep still working. Many people waits for a genial programm like this.

      • Stephen Mollett

        Stephen Mollett - 2006-06-10

        I don't speak for the project but, to the best of my knowledge, there's not much going on at the moment, at least as far as concrete, publicly-visible coding is concerned. There may or may not be research being done.

        You might want to check out Tor ( which uses a similar kind of system of encrypting routers, but for general TCP traffic rather than just HTTP.

    • Paul Baranowski

      Paul Baranowski - 2006-06-11

      yep, its dead...i'm deleting it.  If i start working on it again it will go under a different name.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      this is so pity.. censorship is growing and everyday citizens of more and more countries need a program like this..


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