
#924 ** (pcmanfm:5705): WARNING **: modules directory is not accessible

pcmanfm (136)


These are my specs;

Slackware 14.1 x86_64
Openbox 3.5.2

I noticed when I first ran PCManFM from the command line I was getting this message;

(pcmanfm:5705): WARNING : modules directory is not accessible

I was using a build script someone created for PCManFM that was removing these empty directories;

This is empty

rmdir $PKG/usr/lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX

When I put this /path back the warning went away.

But later I found this bug report;

I noticed Lonely Stranger mentioned this;

Do you have following directories (it's for Lubuntu 64 bit)?


In case if you don't have first one the message is appropriate and notifies you

Then I realized I have the modules /path on my box;


So if it's correct by Lonley Strangers comments that all I need is this /usr/lib64/libfm/modules/ path, then I'm not sure why I'm getting that warning, because removing /usr/lib64/pcmanfm is what seems to be triggering it on my box, and placing back /usr/lib64/pcmanfm gets rid of the message.

So I'm reporting this as a bug since I have the /usr/libfm64/modules/ path and the message is still appearing.


  • SourceBugs

    SourceBugs - 2015-01-17

    Sorry I keep forgetting the Sourceforge forum doesn't like the hashtag/comment,

    The words; 'This is empty' were commented out above that is why it appears now in BOLD.

    'This is empty' is what the author of the script wrote about this /path to remove it, so here it is again without the comment;

    This is empty
    rmdir $PKG/usr/lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX/$PRGNAM
    rmdir $PKG/usr/lib$LIBDIRSUFFIX

  • SourceBugs

    SourceBugs - 2015-01-17

    My mistake after making the posts, I should of just asked what I'm mentioning now...

    Lonely Stranger also mentioned;

    if you don't have second one your pcmanfm package is broken, it should include that directory.

    So the Second one, meaning the empty path I removed;


    So if /usr/lib64/pcmanfm/ is removed even though it's an empty directory this message is still going to appear?

    Is /usr/lib64/pcmanfm/ even used for anything?


    Last edit: SourceBugs 2015-01-17
  • SourceBugs

    SourceBugs - 2015-02-17

    anyone please?


  • SourceBugs

    SourceBugs - 2015-04-11


    I'm still trying to work this out if someone could please be so kind as a reply?

    thank you

  • Lonely Stranger

    Lonely Stranger - 2015-04-11
    • labels: --> pcmanfm
    • assigned_to: Lonely Stranger
  • Lonely Stranger

    Lonely Stranger - 2015-04-11

    I'm sorry for being late to answer your question. Yes, that $libdir/pcmanfm directory is used the same way as $libdir/libfm/modules is - while latter contains modules that are common for any application using libfm, the former may contain modules that are specific for the pcmanfm. This was explained in details on Wiki page describing modules, although it is currently unavailable, unfortunately.
    Feel free to ask if I explained it badly so you still have some questions. Thank you very much.

  • SourceBugs

    SourceBugs - 2015-05-06


    Sorry for my late reply, so are you saying it's ok and working as it should?

    thank you

  • Lonely Stranger

    Lonely Stranger - 2015-05-07

    Yes, exactly, it works as it should, it just notifies you that no pcmanfm modules directory is available so if you really have some modules then it might be a setup problem. Completely harmless warning if that was intended.
    Thank you.

  • SourceBugs

    SourceBugs - 2015-05-08

    Thank you

  • Lonely Stranger

    Lonely Stranger - 2015-05-08
    • status: open --> closed


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