
pChart development? Dead?

Chris Ward
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  • Chris Ward

    Chris Ward - 2009-08-03

    I've asked this before.. and i'll ask it again. Considering the length of time between updates, are we to consider pChart dead?

    Is anyone actively developing it?  Fork?

    It'd be a terrible shame to let this project die.

    • Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI

      Not dead, I would say "on hold" as I have no time to go further with the 2.0 trunk. Sorry for this. I'll continue the dev as soon as I'll have some visibility on my planning.

    • golfox

      golfox - 2009-08-05

      Hi Jean-Damien

      I've write some methods for pChart. These methods draws horizontal BarGraphs:

      And more, i've fixed writeValues() for RadarGraph (

      If you're interested in, i can i send to you a code by email to evaluate an integration.

    • Eugene Bogomolny

      Hello, everyone!

      First of all I want to thank to author of this amazing and useful library Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI. As I see that development has stuck for some reason I changed the code a "little".
      First of all I insert some Object-Oriented issue, that let to be more flexible and less code at the end. And graphs generated faster. And not need to add to each function array with data and description even you remove something on the fly.
      So, if author will be interesting with my changes, I'll be glad send the source code.

      Anyway, thank you very much for great job!!!

  • bigethan

    bigethan - 2009-11-02

    ayashisunyday:  would you be averse to me forking this project so that it can continue to be improved in your absence?

    Like gferri I too have added new features to pChart, and would like to be able to commit them and work with other developers to update and maintain the awesomeness that is pChart.

  • bigethan

    bigethan - 2009-11-02

    And by forking I mean: putting the code on github so that many people contribute & improve pChart

  • Benji

    Benji - 2009-11-02

    Just to add my input.

    I personally think continuing development on pChart through a github repository would be a great idea and have been thinking of proposing this lately. Like others, I have fixes and new features from my extension I would gladly commit into the main code to make it easier for people to use.

    As I see it there are some pro's and con's to this approach:


    1. There are a large number of developers willing to contribute to moving pChart forward
    2. New feature implementation would go well beyond what any one of us could do on our own
    3. Bug fixes would be pushed out quicker


    1. Moving the main code repository to github would extract it from sourceforge, where a userbase and central documentation source has been formed
    2. Might push pChart away from Jean-Damien's vision for the library

    My vote goes for starting a repository. I would definitely volunteer to help maintain and manage it as I have much love for pChart and I think with a bit of work we can get it going again. Any other thoughts/input?

  • Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI

    Hi there,

    I'm sorry that you're still waiting for the 2.0 to comes out. I'm still working on it in the background with limited time.

    Hopefuly I have good news for you. The documentation of the 2.0 classes is currently in progress ;o) I've bought the domain to host all the new stuff. I've written a small wiki to publish the documentation and allow community interactions on it (still draft at this time but you can see it running at .

    As I've told before this version is focused on speed & quality.

    You can see some sample rendering in the *Language Reference* > *Drawing Functions* section ( like  ) The documentation of the charting function is not written yet as I'm still rebuilding & rebuilding the pData structure. (The current one allows a lot of customisations)

    I'm really happy to see that you're using pChart and I'll try to give you the best that I can do.

    Kind regards,



  • bigethan

    bigethan - 2009-11-03

    Impressive - 2.0 looks lovely.  If you would like any assistance writing documentation for code that is 'finished,' or for anything in general please let me know.  I'm not smooth with GD (more experience with Canvas and js), but I'm quite comfortable with OO php. I'm e bigethan com (my SF email doesn't seem to be forwarding properly)

    It comes down to the fact that I've got a graph heavy project coming up in a month or so, and would like to be able to use 2.0 :-)

  • Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI

    You know, I'm modifying the drawing functions many times per week, the documentation is following the library changes. Today I've added dash support to all drawing functions :

    ..and there is still so much to do :o)

    Thank you for proposing your help. If I get stuck I'll give you a sign!



  • Chris Rempel

    Chris Rempel - 2009-11-09

    There is nothing wrong with publishing your individual fork with fixes on github while we wait for 2.0 to be released.  That way we can all easily share the improvements each makes on the current release branch.

    I already found this github fork:

    If I make any usable changes/fixes, I'll publish a repository as well.  It would be nice if fixes/changes could be easily shared in this manner.

  • Richard Rice

    Richard Rice - 2010-01-18

    These lib's look really promising. Any idea on when a beta will be released? Also, will the 2.0 be compatible with the current release or will the charts need to be redesigned with the new release?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-01-21

    Any news?

  • Christian Land

    Christian Land - 2010-01-25

    As the page is still missiong on the wiki: will the 2.0 version finally move away from GPL and use BSD/MIT/LGPL?

    Personally I think pChart is the best free charting-library for PHP but the GPL-license makes it totally unusable for a lot of projects.

  • Richard Rice

    Richard Rice - 2010-03-25

    Will the 2.0 version support logarithmic y-axis scaling?

    This seems to be a major sticking point of all the open source graphics packages and if you offer it, well, you will stand out head and shoulders above everyone else (not that your package doesn't already).

    The Logarithmic scaling is VERY important.

  • uma ariaputhri

    uma ariaputhri - 2010-03-28

    hi hello  JD

    Thanks Thanks Thanks…….
    Thanks a lot for your pChart.

    i will be very happy if u can help in in downloading the pDraw.class and pImage.class

    i am really amazed to see ur work in pc\Chart2.0X.

    can u help me in downloaidng the two classes pDraw.class and pImage.class.

  • dw9357

    dw9357 - 2010-05-25

    Like everyone else I'm eager to see the latest pChart.  Is there any updated information?

  • Wesley Victhor Mendes Santiago

    Today he updated the documentation

  • Jonathan Klein

    Jonathan Klein - 2010-08-17

    Just want to keep this discussion open - there are obviously a lot of people who love pchart (I am one of them) and I think we would all like to see new features/bug fixes/etc.  Any updates you can give us would be much appreciated!  Thanks for all of your hard work JD.

  • Jonathan Klein

    Jonathan Klein - 2010-08-17

    It actually looks like JD updated the introduction page at on 07/28/2010, so apparently development is still moving forward.  JD - please let us know if you want any help coding, it sounds like a lot of people are willing to contribute.  We could email you code snippets and still have you review/commit everything. 

  • Cris Kruijff

    Cris Kruijff - 2010-08-31

    Hello JD. First let me thank you for the fantastic work.
    We stumbled on a major problem with pChart. In a line graph we cannot enter more than 8 variables. When adding a ninth item, no chart is rendered. It has taken us 3 weeks to develop a analytical program, but when testing everything works fine, until we added more then 8 variables. We cannot find anything about this in the forum. What are we doing wrong?

    Would you please be so kind to respond because the deadline for us is this week.

    Thank you verry verry much!


  • Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI

    Good morning Crissie,

    You'll find your answer here :

    This isn't a limitation of the library, but a default setting.

    To add a more color to the palette you can either load a palette file :


    ..or add it on a one-by-one basis :


    Kind regards,

  • Cris Kruijff

    Cris Kruijff - 2010-09-01

    Thank you JD, this was very helpful.

  • Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI

    pChart 2.0 is now at an advanced developing state. I'm planing to issue an alpha version in short time to allow you to test and collect your feedback. (If you want to be part of it just create an account on the pWiki )

    Thanks for your patience.

  • Richard Rice

    Richard Rice - 2010-09-08

    OUTSTANDING!!! I already have an account there and am waiting anxiously to get my grubby paws on this new code base. I have the perfect app for it. Thanks Jean!!!

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