
How to configure without proxy settings?

Vampie Bar
  • Vampie Bar

    Vampie Bar - 2008-08-11

    are there anyway to use paw without setting proxy to browser?
    I wanna use port 80 as localhost.. something like middle layer
    between browser and paw server...?

    • Jochen Ruehl

      Jochen Ruehl - 2008-08-11

      Hi Vampie,

      PAW acts as a HTTP proxy server. So you should be able to use it with any application that can be configured to use a HTTP proxy server. This does not necessarily has to be a web browser.
      What exactly are you trying to do?


      • Vampie Bar

        Vampie Bar - 2008-08-11

        I wanna use your project in my project.
        But my customers cannot change their web browser settings
        either i cannot ask them to change.. so i need to use default port 80...

        i.e. users will not change their proxy settings ( no proxy ) but paw
        will still filter the content before browser rendering the page...

        how can i do that ? should i change source ?

        internet -------> data -port 80 coming to PC -------> PAW -------> Browser
        I want something like that...

        is it possible ?

        • Jochen Ruehl

          Jochen Ruehl - 2008-08-11

          Hi Vampie,

          if I under stand it correctly, what you need is a transparent proxy server on a central router which then redirects packets from port 80 to different port, where an transparent proxy is running.
          I have never written a transparent proxy handler for PAW, but I think it could be done.
          Depending on what you want the transparent proxy server Squid ( might be an option.

          As mentioned above it should also be possible to use PAW if you write a handler for handling transparent proxy requests, but at the moment it does not exist.


          • Vampie Bar

            Vampie Bar - 2008-08-11

            I know squid. but i do not want proxy. I can add/implement in proxy to PAW..
            All i want my customers do not use 8080 but 80

            I cannot make them change the port. so before the web render the page i want to make the filter

            is it possible something like that with current api?

            data coming from 80 -----> 8080 paw server sniff the port and redirect to 80 ...

            I want to use port 80.. that is all...

            Thanks for the help so far...

            • Vampie Bar

              Vampie Bar - 2008-08-11

              server and browser will be in the same machine... that is why i insist on port 80..

              • Vampie Bar

                Vampie Bar - 2008-08-11

                what about nat ? ( network address translation? )

                localhost:80 is good but not solving my problem..

                I do not want my customers to deal with browser's proxy settings..
                and i wanna filter using paw :)

                i need a way before implementing new feature :)

                • Vampie Bar

                  Vampie Bar - 2008-08-12

                  could you send me your email?
                  I can send your specs...
                  Thanks for help so far..

    • Jochen Ruehl

      Jochen Ruehl - 2008-08-11

      Hi Vampie,

      changing the listening port of PAW to 80 is not a problem.
      Just change the port in the file conf/server.xml und restart the PAW server.

      But it will not work without setting the browser proxy configuration to localhost:80.


    • Vampie Bar

      Vampie Bar - 2008-08-11


      do you have any plan to implement the feature that I need?

      • Jochen Ruehl

        Jochen Ruehl - 2008-08-11

        Hi Vampie,

        if you handle the port translation and send me a specification (via mail) about how the request looks and how the response should look like, I will have a look.
        But I can not promise anything.


  • Gilberto Osler

    Gilberto Osler - 2010-06-06

    i'm interested to write a "Transparent Proxy" handler.
    Somebody give me help to do this?



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