
#4 add 'make check' test set for improved QA

Ger Hobbelt

pavuk should come with a 'make check' or (non-standard) 'make test' targets which runs it against known Internet targets and checks its operation.

This would give me a far better feeling about reproducibility / testability of pavuk functionality.

Currently, I have a few test pages up at and will surely extend those. Now 'all' I need is a test framework to check pavuk results when it's been grabbing those pages...


  • Ger Hobbelt

    Ger Hobbelt - 2008-10-30

    Notes to self: some (assumed stable) URLs to test against: (my own site) has several test pages for pavuk; "all I need to do" (ahem) is clean them up so they're squeacky clean and then plonk them into 'make check' which is simple (yeah, /right/ !).

    Foreign URLs which are assumed stable:


    gopher:// (simple text page, no links)

    gopher:// (directory view, includes direct URLs, so a gopher grab MAY transit into a HTTP grab if we let pavuk go -- and when it acts correctly then)

    HTTP with 'specials'

    HTTP with references to 'unsupported schemas' which should be downloaded nevertheless (torrent files, for example) when you wish to 'pavuk -mirror' your servers that offer such stuff:\(AnimeClipse_1080p_h264).html

    (this is the secure start page of the Dutch IRS. Talking about something that we'd rather see going away. ;-) Bet you this is as stable a URL as there's ever gonna be.)


    The Internet Standards Org, so should be rock solid URLs, those.

  • Ger Hobbelt

    Ger Hobbelt - 2008-10-30

    Still looking for 'stable URLs' (even less 'stable' is fine by now...) for

    1) FTPS

    FTP on VMS (and other VMS-hosted services; given that VMS is the only OS out there which comes standard with file /versions/, I am /very/ interested to see the particulars of those URLs (also in relation to RFC3986 and the ';' fix I applied in url.c )

    2) Gopher sites with PDF files, video and other wickedness.

    3) HTTPS sites with *guaranteed* expired and otherwise 'skewed' certificates and/or certificate chains.

    4) HTML forms which need to be filled in (simple variant would be a login page) to access the goodies behind it.

    5) HTTP servers which require cookies, so those buggers get tested again - last time I did /serious/ testing with those was back in 2005 :-(

    6) non-standard compliant HTTP servers. Older IIS boxes and more obscure stuff...


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