
#1 compiling on windows


Hi Ronnie!

I think it's better to answer your e-mail here - maybe
the result is of public interest.

Responding to my question how to compile pauker with
the j2sdk-1_4_0-win.exe on win2k, you wrote:
Well, I'm not a Windows guy but it has to work similar
like on Linux. I would open a terminal (IIRC its called
"MS-DOS Prompt" in Windows) and go to the pauker
directory. Then you call "javac pauker/program/*.java"
and you are done compiling. I touched Windows last time
years ago and still remember that it had problems with
the *-wildcards. So if that has not improved until now
you have to call javac on all *.java files separately.
Good luck ;-)

If you want to build an executable jar file from the
compiled directories, read the documentation to "jar".
But, my question is: If you are a newbie, why on earth
do you want to compile it from the sources? The
precompiled .jar file makes your life a lot easier...

Why? Curiosity, self education ...
I had some java classes two years ago, but never
applied it since. I do C++ programming for my living.

And the following worked fine:
C:\pauker>javac pauker\program\*.java

Now I got a bunch of .class files - and I'm gonna study
'jar'. But shouldn't I be able to start pauker now by
cd'ing to pauker\program\ and calling
"java pauker"?
Hm... this only gives me the attached exception.


  • Robert Pollak

    Robert Pollak - 2002-02-26

    Exception when a newbie tries to call "java pauker".

  • Ronny Standtke

    Ronny Standtke - 2002-02-27

    Logged In: YES

    Do not change into the program directory. Go to the
    directory where you can see the "pauker" and "tools"
    directory and call:

    java pauker/program/Pauker

    Should work...

  • Robert Pollak

    Robert Pollak - 2002-02-27

    Logged In: YES

    Bad luck for me this time.

    C:\pauker>java pauker\program\Pauker
    gave me the same exceptions.
    I think I'll have to look for someone with windows java
    experience among my friends - or I wait for Mandrake 8.2 to
    get the build working on Linux. (My notebook does not like
    8.1 very much.)

  • Ronny Standtke

    Ronny Standtke - 2002-03-01

    Logged In: YES

    I compiled and attached the latest cvs version for you.
    Happy testing! ;o)

  • Ronny Standtke

    Ronny Standtke - 2002-03-01
  • Robert Pollak

    Robert Pollak - 2002-03-01

    Logged In: YES

    Thank you for the jar! I will use it from now on.
    But I am still trying to run my own build.
    Maybe there is something missing in the cvs? Could you post
    a recursive directory listing s.t. I can compare?
    Can you compile and run the program after checking the code
    out in a new directory?

    And what is the value of your CLASSPATH environment variable?

    Well, I am asking for a lot of stuff, and it is not at all
    sure that I can add something useful to the code when I get
    my build running - so I lower the priority here :)

  • Robert Pollak

    Robert Pollak - 2002-03-01
    • priority: 5 --> 3
  • Joerg Erdmenger

    Joerg Erdmenger - 2002-12-07

    Logged In: YES

    Hey Rober,
    first of all here is the commandline for Windows / Linux and
    other how you have to start pauker. Issue the following
    command from the 'pauker' directory (The one conataining a
    subdir 'pauker' ;-) ).

    java pauker.program.gui.swing.PaukerFrame

    1) you have to give java a class containing a function
    'public static void main(..)'. Luckely 'PaukerFrame' is the
    only class conainting a main method. So this choise was easy.
    2) A you may remember from you java classes - Java supports
    something called 'Packages' similar to the name spaces in
    C++. When using a class you have to qualify the package it
    is in. Which in this case is: 'pauker.program.gui.swing'.

    Good luck

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    eres un gilazo porque no pones algo bien dicho.

    Me retiro

  • Ronny Standtke

    Ronny Standtke - 2005-07-16

    Logged In: YES

    This problem is no longer relevant. Just use NetBeans :-)

  • Ronny Standtke

    Ronny Standtke - 2005-07-16
    • status: open --> closed