
Documentation of protected & private members

  • Jörg

    Jörg - 2006-01-27

    there seems to be an issue with the documentation of protected and private members.

    While what you document for a member in the interface section is correctly assigned in the output, everything written for those members in the implementation section is assigned to the last public member documented.

    For public members I could not find that problem.

    I have a test file with output, that shows that, but no way of posting it. If someone is interested I would send it (by mail or whatever).

    Otherwise I see a lot of improvement. Thank you for the great work guys!


    • Jörg

      Jörg - 2006-01-27

      Further investigation on that:

      It seems that those methods are not converted correctly.

      While for public members the output is, e.g.:

      string Test1::FunctionI1 ()
      #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP
        result := 'Test';
      #endif /* DOXYGEN_SKIP */

      as it would be expected, for private or protected methods it still says:

      function Test1.PrivateStuff(
        parameter1 : string;
        parameter2 : string
      ) : string;begin  result := 'Test';end


    • Jörg

      Jörg - 2006-01-27

      forget this!

      The truth is, the first procedure implementation in the file confuses pas2dox and the conversion stops. That's why everything after that get's ignored.

      {* This implementation does absolute nothing.
      * \param parameter1 : integer - A unneeded parameter.
      procedure Test1.ProcedureI2(
        parameter1 : integer

      pas2dox --->

      /** This implementation just returns 'Test'.
      * \return : string - The string 'Test'.
      string Test1::FunctionI1 ()
      #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP
        result := 'Test';
      #endif /* DOXYGEN_SKIP */

      /** This implementation does absolute nothing.
      * \param parameter1 : integer - A unneeded parameter.
      Test1::ProcedureI2 (integer parameter1
      #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP

      // =================
      // protected methods
      // =================

      /** \return : string - The value of _member.
      function Test1.GetMember : string;begin  result := _member;end

      procedure Test1.SetMember(
        newValue : string
      );begin  _member := newValue;end

    • Jörg

      Jörg - 2006-01-27

      So, I found out, that the problem is caused by empty bodies:


      Doesn't matter if private or public or function or peocedure.

      Right after scanning the begin correctly:

      <Body,Func_Body>(^begin|{S}*begin|^asm|{S}asm){S} {
        OutputLogNum("// Got Begin - ", g_nBegins);

        if (!g_bComments)
          OutputLog("// Not a comment");
          if (g_nBegins > 1)
            if (g_bConvertBody)
              fprintf(OUTPUT, "{");
              fprintf(OUTPUT, "begin");
            fprintf(OUTPUT, "{");

            if (!g_bKeepBody)
              fprintf(OUTPUT, "\n#ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP\n");

        g_bFuncBody = true;

      is called again (looks like begin is still in the buffer), so g_nBegins get increased to 2. The end only decreases it by 1 to 1. So the rest of the text is handled as it would be body intern code.

      Maybe it doesn't take someone of the gurus not to long to fix this, otherwise the work around is not to have empty bodies (what's the use anyway?) or ignore the problem while still developing you application, not having all bodies filled, yet.

    • Darren Bowles

      Darren Bowles - 2006-01-30

      I have checked a new version of pas2dox.l into CVS.  Let me know how you get on with this.

    • Jörg

      Jörg - 2006-02-02

      Works fine with me now. Thank you!


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