Doru Georgescu - 2010-05-09

Improvement (I hope!) for the "par2 v|r file [files]" paragraph:

par2 v|r file [files] - verify / try to recover data files protected by file*.par2 or fn.volp+q.par2 if file is fn.volm+n and fn.par2 if fn is in files and fn is not data file. files is a list of recovery files not identified by file and of data files which do not have their original names. If file or not data files end in .par2, .par2 is removed. files should be used in case that file*.par2's and data files' names have been corrupted. par2 is able to recover data files and to use recovery files with data added to and deleted from any part of them. par2 is able to recover data files and to use recovery files which have been split into separate files. par2 does not report missing file*.par2 recovery files, it reports only available recovery blocks.



Files: files