
#22 Can't tell if Primary selection=clipboard or = binary data


It is impossible to tell the difference between the situation where the clipboard and the Primary selection contain the same text, and the situation where the cliboard contains text but the Primary selection contains binary data (e.g. a picture selected in

I can see two possible fixes:
- actually indicate to the user when the primary selection (or the clipboard, to be consistent) contain binary data. This would be less mysterious, and was the approach taken by glipper 0.95 (I don't know about the new python version); or
- when the clipboard and the primary selection are the same, make the entry both bold and italic.

Or of course both fixes could be done, since the first one would make the behaviour with binary data less mysterious, and the second one makes sense on its own, even ignoring the issue with binary clipboard data.


  • Alister Hood

    Alister Hood - 2010-02-06

    > and was the approach taken by glipper 0.95

    Sorry, no I think that is wrong, and 0.95 didn't actually work with binary data. It is the approach taken in the (basically unknown) glipper-lite, which they have in a cvs tree, and which was based on 0.95.1 but with the gnome dependencies stripped out.

  • rickyrockrat

    rickyrockrat - 2010-12-13
    • labels: 1131949 -->
    • milestone: 866424 -->

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