



The Domain Name System was the Internet's first attempt to interface the global inter-network with human beings. It mapped geographic node addresses into a human readable format. As such it worked well when data centers were fairly centralized and users relatively non-mobile.

However, now that we've had a taste of what the internet can do (and domain name squatting has done to meaningful node names), the price of terabyte storage low and swarmable, and users mobile, there needs to be a new way to organize CONTENT.

Welcome to Project M, doing for the logical or content network what BGP and RIP did for the geo-physical network layer. Taking the top 3-4 layers of the traditional OSI model and flipping them orthogonal and independent of the physical network protocols we will complement at the application layer what the physical internet did for humanity. In fact we should be able to mirror the specifics of these protocols at the software layer. Instead of the Internet, we'll call this the [SoftNet].

Content will no longer be organized around geographic location. The rise of BitTorrent and other [P2p] is signalling the utility for such. See [Fractal_Graph].


WikiPangaia: Content-centric_web
WikiPangaia: Main_Page
WikiPangaia: Old_Main_Page
WikiPangaia: P2p
WikiPangaia: STUB
WikiPangaia: SoftNet