
PAiN v0.42. A number of bugs fixed:)

1) Bugfix: critical bugfix in PAiN DB engine.
2) Backup, export to XML, import from XML ability for database engine.
3) Commands added: get, drop, give, inventory, backup.
4) StringMap added to PainDB (could be used to keep cookies of any context
without needs of specialization of it's data structs
5) 'onDelete' method is removed from PainDB interface. DbObject.delete could be overriden.
6) Equipped, Wear object types described. It's initial(experimental) version.
7) Console is now keeps 'id' of Player object but not reference to Player.
This will eliminate error with illegal(unrestored) field value after rollback.
8) MessageOutFn gets new template interface. Old one is also supported.
From now it's allows to have any number( 0-9 :) ) of template params
Example of template: '("$n3 gives $d2 to $n1", target, obj, giver)'
9) Exits description added.
10) Number of tests in testbase increased

Posted by Mike Fursov 2003-10-19

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