
Pagetest / News: Recent posts

Pagetest Released

Support for Windows 7 and server 2008 R2 was added.

Posted by Patrick Meenan 2009-10-24

Optimization tutorial video available

Dave Artz who runs the optimization team at AOL created a video tutorial on using the web-based version of pagetest of optimizing sites. It's a great video and well worth the time to make sure you get the most out of the tools:

Posted by Patrick Meenan 2008-07-12

Pagetest released

Pagetest is a plug-in for Internet Explorer that provides a detailed analysis and visualization of a page load (similar in nature to what YSlow and the Net portion of Firebug provide for Firefox).

New in this release:

- Significantly improved CDN recognition. Can now recognize the following CDN providers:

- Akamai
- Limelight
- Edgecast
- Highwinds
- Panther
- Coral Cache

- Added menu items to the help menu to bring you to the project home page and quick start guide.... read more

Posted by Patrick Meenan 2008-02-06

Pagetest Released

Pagetest is a plug-in for Internet Explorer that provides a detailed analysis and visualization of a page load (similar in nature to what YSlow and the Net portion of Firebug provide for Firefox).

This is the initial stable public release of a tool that has been in use internally within AOL for several years.

For screen shots, discussion and download it's project page is reachable through: read more

Posted by Patrick Meenan 2008-01-04