David - 2012-09-20

Hi David,

I was the person who asked you for the remote scripting funcionality.
I got a problem building the scripts i need, and i want to ask you some questions.

The main goal is to run severals pings inside a cisco device to test the local reachabilty. All these ip address are inside the file hosts.txt i built. This file has the format "<name> <ipaddress>".

This is the script i can run inside my local machine:


use Net::Ping;

for (;;) {
sleep 3;

open (HOSTS, "hosts.txt");

while($HOSTS_ln = <HOSTS>){
@HOSTS_wrds = split(/ /, $HOSTS_ln);
# print "\nNueva Linea : @HOSTS_wrds\n";
# print "mnemonico : @HOSTS_wrds\n";
# print "dirip. : @HOSTS_wrds\n";

    $p = Net::Ping->new(icmp);
print "@HOSTS_wrds \n" if not $p->ping(@HOSTS_wrds,1);

close HOSTS;
print "\nTerminado el Barrido \n";

When i tried to run inside the PAC, i got several errors, i dont understand.
So i needed to switch back to my old SecureCRT where i run this other vb script:
(as you can see, i added some extra functions to the Perl one.)

Sub Main
' Definicion de Ficheros
Const HOSTS_FILE_PATH = "D:\hosts.txt"
Const RESULT_FILE_PATH = "D:\Result.txt"

' Dimensionamiento de Variables
Dim Hosts_fso
Set Hosts_fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim Result_fso
Set Result_fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Apertuura de Ficheros
Dim Hosts_file
Set Hosts_file = Hosts_fso.OpenTextFile(HOSTS_FILE_PATH)
Dim Result_file
Set Result_file = Result_fso.OpenTextFile(RESULT_FILE_PATH,2,True)

Dim ip
Dim name
Dim line
While Not Hosts_file.AtEndOfStream
line = Hosts_file.ReadLine

name = Split(line, " ")(0)
ip = Split(line, " ")(1)

' Connect
crt.Screen.Synchronous = True

' Ping a un equipo
crt.Screen.WaitForString "<name>#"
crt.Screen.Send "ping vrf VPN_GESTION " & ip & " repeat 3" & vbCr

' Análisis de resultado y escritura
icmp_result = crt.Screen.WaitForStrings ("rate is 33","rate is 66", "rate is 0","rate is 100")
Select Case icmp_result
Case 1,2
Result_file.Write name & " " & ip & " Partial-Ok" & vbcrlf

Case 3
Result_file.Write name & " " & ip & " NOk" & vbcrlf

Case 4
Result_file.Write name & " " & ip & " Ok" & vbcrlf

End Select


End Sub

Could you help me to get the goal i wanted to reach?
I would love to migrate the vbscript to Perl, but working inside the PAC.

