
First I would like to thank David for his great work, I use his wonderful tool everyday at work and it is very helpful to manage hundreds servers :)

I think I have found a bug in version

I was using the GUI password feature to protect PAC.
Since a recent update of PAC (I am running ArchLinux X86_64) the GUI password prompt disappeared so I decided to set again a password in the settings.

Then I restart PAC and the password I set didn't work ! My PAC was blocked ! So I edited config files to recover access and try to set the password again with copy/paste of the password to avoid any typo. Same issue, it says "Wrong password" everytime.

I think there is a bug in the GUI password mechanism, I haven't searched any further for now but does anyone else have the same problem ?

Thanks for your help and keep on the good work :)
Best regards