
#233 PAC not start

v1.0 (example)

PAC not startet, dmesg shows:
[10479.682190] pac[7133]: segfault at 5 ip 00007f26e31e0dff sp 00007fff102595a0 error 4 in Vte.so_64_5.018[7f26e31dd000+10000]
[13529.541654] pac[8699]: segfault at 5 ip 00007f159f905dff sp 00007fffae34e1d0 error 4 in Vte.so_64_5.018[7f159f902000+10000]

on Debian - 3.14-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.14.15-2 (2014-08-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Consult a bug where search
Thank you for your help on perfect program for admins.

Petr Kucera - Coresoft


Bugs: #233


  • Myster_fr

    Myster_fr - 2014-08-28


    I might have the same issue.
    system is Debian Testing, running kernel 3.14.2-amd64 as well.
    Perl version is 5.20.0-4

    When starting PAC, I only get "Segmentation Fault" without any other output.
    Here's the perl debug output, if it's any help.


    perl -d /usr/bin/pac

    Loading DB routines from version 1.44
    Editor support available.

    Enter h or 'h h' for help, or 'man perldebug' for more help.

    Signal SEGV at (eval 17)[/opt/pac/lib/] line 14.
    eval {...} called at (eval 17)[/opt/pac/lib/] line 14
    eval '
    unshift( @INC, $RealBin . \'/lib/ex/vte\' . $PACUtils::ARCH );

    package Gnome2::Vte;
    our @ISA = qw(DynaLoader);
    sub import {
        my $self = shift();
        $self -> VERSION(@_);
    sub dl_load_flags   { 0x01 }
    eval { Gnome2::Vte -> bootstrap; }; ! $@ and return 1;

    ' called at /opt/pac/lib/ line 175
    require called at /opt/pac/lib/ line 50
    PACMain::BEGIN() called at (eval 17)[/opt/pac/lib/] line 0
    eval {...} called at (eval 17)[/opt/pac/lib/] line 0
    require called at /usr/bin/pac line 62
    main::BEGIN() called at (eval 17)[/opt/pac/lib/] line 0
    eval {...} called at (eval 17)[/opt/pac/lib/] line 0



    Last edit: Myster_fr 2014-08-28
  • Coresoft

    Coresoft - 2014-08-28

    I have same output from perl -d /usr/bin/pac as Myster_fr

  • dpant

    dpant - 2014-08-28

    Same issue here. This happened after upgrading to perl 5.20.0-4 (and relevant libraries). Previous working perl version 5.18.2-7

  • David Torrejón Vaquerizas

    Hi all!!

    First of all, sorry for the inconvenience. It's a problem with Perl 5.20 bindings not yet existing.

    In order to provide a new PAC version with such libraries, I ask all of you for help to compile and send me a brand new file.

    If you have a Perl 5.20 (mandatory!!), please, help us, it's quite simple (assuming you are using a Debia/Ubuntu/derivative distro):

    1- sudo apt-get install libextutils-depends-perl libextutils-pkgconfig-perl libvte-dev
    2- wget
    3- tar xvfz Gnome2-Vte-0.11.tar.gz
    4- cd Gnome2-Vte-0.11/
    5- perl Makefile.PL
    6- make
    (notice you DON'T have to execute "make install", but simply "make", to build the binaries)
    7- FINISHED! Send me the file located in './blib/arch/auto/Gnome2/Vte/'
    8- Once you sent me that file, simply delete for the ".tar.gz" file and the "Gnome2-Vte-0.11" firectory (rm -rf Gnome2-Vte-0.11*)

    Looking forward to receive both in 32 and 64 bit from all of you!!
    - David.

    • dpant

      dpant - 2014-08-28

      Hello David,

      please find attached the 64-bit version.
      Thanks for your prompt reply.


      2014-08-28 13:26 GMT+03:00 "David Torrejón Vaquerizas"

      Hi all!!

      First of all, sorry for the inconvenience. It's a problem with Perl 5.20
      bindings not yet existing.

      In order to provide a new PAC version with such libraries, I ask all of
      you for help to compile and send me a brand new file.

      If you have a Perl 5.20 (mandatory!!), please, help us, it's quite simple
      (assuming you are using a Debia/Ubuntu/derivative distro):

      1- sudo apt-get install libextutils-depends-perl
      libextutils-pkgconfig-perl libvte-dev
      2- wget
      3- tar xvfz Gnome2-Vte-0.11.tar.gz
      4- cd Gnome2-Vte-0.11/
      5- perl Makefile.PL
      6- make
      (notice you DON'T have to execute "make install", but simply "make", to
      build the binaries)
      7- FINISHED! Send me the file located in
      8- Once you sent me that file, simply delete for the ".tar.gz" file and
      the "Gnome2-Vte-0.11" firectory (rm -rf Gnome2-Vte-0.11*)

      Looking forward to receive both in 32 and 64 bit from all of you!!
      - David.

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0 (example)
      Labels: Problem start PAC
      Created: Thu Aug 28, 2014 08:16 AM UTC by Coresoft
      Last Updated: Thu Aug 28, 2014 10:16 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      PAC not startet, dmesg shows:
      [10479.682190] pac[7133]: segfault at 5 ip 00007f26e31e0dff sp
      00007fff102595a0 error 4 in Vte.so_64_5.018[7f26e31dd000+10000]
      [13529.541654] pac[8699]: segfault at 5 ip 00007f159f905dff sp
      00007fffae34e1d0 error 4 in Vte.so_64_5.018[7f159f902000+10000]

      on Debian - 3.14-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.14.15-2 (2014-08-09) x86_64

      Consult a bug where search
      Thank you for your help on perfect program for admins.

      Petr Kucera - Coresoft

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Bugs: #233

  • David Torrejón Vaquerizas

    Sorry, but I can't see any attached file... :(
    Could you please upload it to any online place or, even better, send it to me by email at ?

    - David.

  • David Torrejón Vaquerizas

    Please, saty tined for next PAC release!
    You may probably will have to uninstall PAC (uninstallig it does not remove youe current config, located at '~/.config/pac/') and reinstall this latest PAC version (4.5.5)

    • David.
  • Coresoft

    Coresoft - 2014-08-29

    Great, PAC is again running, uninstall and install version 4.5.5 and everything works.

    David thank you very much.

    Petr Kucera

  • David Torrejón Vaquerizas

    Thanks to all of you for your help and your patience!!

    • David.
  • David Torrejón Vaquerizas

    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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